I have been in the technology area since 2010, always looking to help businesses in the best use of their resources. In order to help my clients and partners I seek to study several areas ... seriously, several ... From systems development, marketing, audiovisual, to car mechanics.
Each new discipline I learn, I always try to bring and apply in my day to day, my business, and for my clients.
Today I am a partner at Adalov, a company where our goal is to “Solve the customer's problem”. That's why I'm always looking to update myself, and look at other points of view outside of technology. So that I can solve the customer's problem!
🔭 I’m currently partner at Adalov 🌱 I’m currently marketing 👯 I’m looking to collaborate on community sharing some of my learning and practicing coding exercises 💬 Ask me about anything, if i didn't know i will search and learni 📫 How to reach me: On linkedin ⚡ Fun fact: I'm never stop learning
My current main project is Adalov my marketing consulting company.
I'm helped out the PHPSP community organizing on the PHPSP + Talks events. I stopped until the events can be presented again.
Both of my talks are in PT-BR.
Laravel e seu ecossistema V1.0 Laraconf Brasil 2017
Laravel e seu ecossistema V2.0 PHP Community Summit 2019
Quer se tornar um desenvolvedor front-end? Confira essas dicas Canaltech 2022