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AWS RDS Secrets Manager Rotation

AWS Secrets Manager stored credential rotation with RDS.

Scenario 1 - RDS-managed Secret

Create the ./infra/.auto.tfvars file:

aws_region = "us-east-2"

Create the infrastructure:

terraform -chdir="infra" init
terraform -chdir="infra" apply -auto-approve

Output will show the Secrets Manager key for the configuration.

⚠️ It appears that rotating the master secret using RDS console, the server will become unavailable.

💡 However, it looked like when a secret is rotated using Secrets Manager, there was no unavailability.

Create the app.env file:


You can hit the SM API directly or use a cached secret. As of right now cached is waiting for V2 to be merged.

When you retrieve a secret, you can use the Secrets Manager Go-based caching component to cache it for future use. Retrieving a cached secret is faster than retrieving it from Secrets Manager. Because there is a cost for calling Secrets Manager APIs, using a cache can reduce your costs.

Run the application:

go get
go run .

The application will loop new connections with the database.

Rotate the secrets to test the behavior and resilience of your application.

After being done, clean up the resources:

terraform -chdir="infra" destroy -auto-approve