VESPA (Virtual European Solar and Planetary Access) is an integrated system connecting many data services related to the study of the Solar System, mostly developed in the frame of the EC-funded Europlanet programmes — see the main VESPA site.
The VESPA team has collected a set of tutorials covering several aspects of planetary sciences: Atmospheres, Surfaces, Magnetospheres, etc. These tutorials are provided as text (Markdown, pdf) or video.
Europlanet 2024 RI has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 871149
- VESPA portal walkaround
- Setting up VO tools for planetary context
- EPN-TAP services: Using TopCat as a client
- Using EPN-TAP as a service API via python (Encyclopedia of exoplanets)
- Accessing metadata and data of a public EPN-TAP service from Jupyter notebook (VIRTIS-VEx)
- Accessing metadata and data of a private EPN-TAP service from Jupyter notebook (VIRTIS-VEx)
- Sending an EPN-TAP query to all EPN-TAP services in python, and retrieving cumulative results
- Cross-matching services: spectra of TNOs
- Looking for and plotting Titan atmospheric profiles
- Walkaround VIRTIS-Venus-Express
- Comparing vertical profiles in the atmosphere of Mars (SPICAM_vs_MCD)
- Matisse used with VIRTIS-VEx
- Mapping sparse spatial data with TOPCAT
- Several use cases on planetary surfaces with Aladin & TOPCAT
- Lunar craters with TOPCAT and Aladin
- CRISM cubes in TOPCAT and Aladin
- Using QGIS plugin to obtain vector data from VO and place into QGIS
- Identifying overlapping images in different services (HRSC vs OMEGA vs SPICAM)
- Mars body-fixed frame and representation conversions (Jupyter notebook)
- Planetary images WCS manipulations (Jupyter notebook)
- Plotting shape models of small bodies in TOPCAT
- Exploring Exoplanets
- Plotting exoplanets with TOPCAT and Aladin -- simple plots
- Plotting exoplanets with TOPCAT and Aladin -- advanced plots
- APIS - Auroral Planetary Images and Spectra
- Cassini Titan fly-by
- Connection of Helio Tools, AMDA & 3DView: CME impact on Venus and Earth
- Mars Global Surveyor plasma data compared with models
- ExPRES/MASER modelling of radio emissions
- Magnetodisc modelling
- CASSIS as a spectroscopy tool for VESPA
- Accessing spectral data
- Cross-matching services: spectra of TNOs
- Plotting bandlists in TOPCAT
- Astropy procedures with planetary coordinates
- Manipulating fireball network data (Jupyter notebook)
- Retrieving files under datalink using TOPCAT
- Video tutorials — These videos are legacy material from the FP7 Europlanet-RI programme (2009-2012). Most of them are outdated; the VESPA portal interface in particular has evolved significantly, and additional functions are now available in tools such as Aladin and TOPCAT.