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André J edited this page Jan 7, 2019 · 2 revisions

Some WIP code for when you implement spaceBetween and spaceAround

extension Constraint{
    * Aligns one item after the other and centers their total position
//   static func distribute(fromCenter views:[UIConstraintView], axis:Axis, length:CGFloat, offset:CGFloat) {
//      //🏀 THEN DO THIS, only works with UIConstraintView where size is available
//      //find the totalW of all items
//      let totV:CGFloat = views.reduce(0){$0 + axis == .hor ? $1.size.width : $1.size.height}
//      //Use to find x
//      let v:CGPoint =  offset + round(length/2) - round(totV/2)//Align.alignmentPoint(CGSize(totV,0), container.size, Alignment.centerCenter, Alignment.centerCenter, CGPoint())
//      //Use justifyFlexStart and lay items out left to right with new rect as offset
//      distributeFromStart(views, axis:axis, offset:v)
//   }

extension Constraint{
    * Space items evenly to fill length
   //extension Distribution{
    * Aligns all items from the absolute start to absolute end and adds equa spacing between them
    * TODO: ⚠️️ complete this
    * IMPORTANT ⚠️️ only works with UIConstraintView where size is available
//    public static func spaceBetween(_ views:[ConstraintKind], _ container:CGRect) {
//      let totW:CGFloat = views.reduce(0){$0 + $1.size?.w.constant || 0}/*find the totalW of all items*/
//        let totVoid:CGFloat = container.width - totW/*find totVoid by doing w - totw*/
//        let numOfVoids:CGFloat = CGFloat(views.count - 1)/*then divide this voidSpace with .count - 1 and*/
//        let itemVoid:CGFloat = totVoid / numOfVoids/*iterate of each item and inserting itemVoid in + width*/
//        var x:CGFloat = container.minX//interim x
//        views.forEach{ item in
//            item.flexible.x = x
//            x += item.width + itemVoid
//        }
//    }

 * Same as spaceBetween but does not pin to sides but rather add equal spacing there as well
 * TODO: ⚠️️ complete this
 * IMPORTANT ⚠️️ only works with UIConstraintView where size is available
// public static func spaceAround(_ items:[FlexBoxItemKind], _ container:CGRect) {
//     let totW:CGFloat = items.reduce(0){$0 + $1.flexible.size.width}/*find the totalW of all items*/
//     let totVoid:CGFloat = container.width - totW/*find totVoid by doing w - totw*/
//     let numOfVoids:CGFloat = CGFloat(items.count)/*then divide this voidSpace with .count - 1 and*/
//     let itemVoid:CGFloat = totVoid / numOfVoids/*iterate of each item and inserting itemVoid in + width*/
//     let edgeVoid:CGFloat = itemVoid/2
//     var x:CGFloat = container.x+edgeVoid//interim x
//     items.forEach{ item in
//         item.flexible.x = x
//         x += item.width + itemVoid
//     }
// }
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