OOP components, which try to reduce the complexity of microservices architecture.
Built on top of the strong Software Development Process best practices and Object-Oriented principles:
1. Simplicity is a virtue
2. All objects are immutable
3. No DI Containers
4. Logic is scaling horizontally among objects
5. Master branch is read-only
6. No monolithic repositories
7. No manual deployments
8. Quality of code controlled automatically
Here are the components around EO-CQRS including:
/eo-kafka is Kafka Producers and consumers for working with Apache Kafka message broker
/cmig is a schema migration tool for Apache Cassandra
/eokson is a collection of objects for JSON manipulation
/xfake is an XML In-Memory Storage for elegant Mocking
Read about the EO design principles, by which we are inspired.
By the way, here is the list of things we want to implement. You can help!