This is a simple package that provides completing-read
for Geiser symbols. When a symbol is selected, a definition of the symbol is shown using Geiser.
Use the completion framework of your choice, whether ivy, vertico, mct, or just the standard icomplete.
I have only tested this with Guile, as that is the only Scheme distribution that I use.
I run the completion query using (apropos ".*")
. If I need to do something else for your Scheme distribution, please submit a pull request.
:type git
:host github
:repo "enzuru/completing-read-geiser"))
(require 'completing-read-geiser)
(define-key scheme-mode-map (kbd "C-h s") 'completing-read-geiser-describe-symbol)
(define-key geiser-repl-mode-map (kbd "C-h s") 'completing-read-geiser-describe-symbol)
(setq completing-read-function #'ivy-completing-read)
Licensed under the GPLv3; copyright is assigned to my eponymous charity