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BuzzData Ruby Client Library

Getting Started

Create an instance of the Buzzdata client:

>> buzzdata ='YOUR_API_KEY')

To make it even simpler, if you create a file, config/buzzdata.yml with your api_key in it, you can omit the key parameter:

>> buzzdata =

Downloading Data

To download data from a dataset, just do this:

>> buzzdata.download_data 'eviltrout/b-list-celebrities'

Uploading Data

If your account has the ability to upload data to a dataset, you can do so like this:

>> buzzdata.upload_data 'eviltrout/b-list-celebrities','datasets/celebrities.csv')

BuzzData API

The BuzzData API returns results in JSON.

You must attach your API key as either a query parameter or post variable in the form of: api_key=YOUR_KEY. For example, to test if your API key works, try this url:

You should get back a JSON object with your username in it, confirming that the key is yours and has authenticated properly.

Rate Limits

The API currently limits the requests you can make against it hourly. If you need more requests than that, please contact us and we'll let you know.

We have provided two response headers with each request to the API with Rate Limiting Information. They are returned from every API call.

X-RateLimit-Limit: 5000
X-RateLimit-Remaining: 4998

X-RateLimit-Limit is your current limit per hour. X-RateLimit-Remaining is how many requests you have left.

Downloading Data

Before you can download data, you need to create a download_request. If successful you will be given a url to download the data from.


:username is your username: ex: 'eviltrout' :dataset is the short name (url name) of the dataset you are uploading to. For example: 'b-list-celebrities'

POST Parameters:

  • api_key = your API key
  • version = the version of the dataset you wish to download

Returns JSON:

{download_request: {path:'PATH_TO_DOWNLOAD_YOUR_DATA'}}

You can then perform a GET to download the data from the path you are given.

Upload Requests

Before you can upload data to the system, you need to create an upload_request. An upload request tells you the HTTP end point your upload should be going to, as well as an upload_code you should pass along with your upload to verify it.


:username is your username: ex: 'eviltrout' :dataset is the short name (url name) of the dataset you are uploading to. For example: 'b-list-celebrities'

POST Parameters:

  • api_key = your API key

Returns JSON:

{upload_request: {upload_code: 'SOME_CODE_HERE', url: 'URL_TO_UPLOAD_TO'} }

Performing an Upload

After creating an upload_request, you can then POST your data file to be ingested. To do this, send a POST request to the url you received in your upload_request JSON.

note: Make sure your POST is a multipart, otherwise the file upload will not work.

POST Parameters:

  • upload_code = the upload_code returned in the upload_request
  • file = the file data you are uploading to be ingested

Returns JSON:

[{"name"=>"kittens_born.csv", "size"=>187, "job_status_token"=>"a24b2155-e2ec-48d4-8bc0-f77e3758966f"}]

name is the filename of the upload. size is the size of the upload in bytes job_status_token is an important

Checking your Upload Status

After a file has been uploaded, you can check out the upload's status by making a GET to:


:username is your username: ex: 'eviltrout' :dataset is the short name (url name) of the dataset you are uploading to. For example: 'b-list-celebrities'

GET Parameters:

  • api_key = your API Key
  • job_status_token = The job status token you received when you performed your upload.

Returns JSON:

{"message"=>"Ingest Job Created", "status_code"=>"created"}

message is a textual description of the current status, or an error message in the event of an error status_code is the status of the current job. The job has finished when it is complete or error.

Important! You should wait a little while between polls to the job status. We recommend sleeping for one second in most cases.

Note: If you receive a status of 'Unknown' it means the file has not begun processing yet. If you continue to poll it will move to 'created'


BuzzData Ruby Client Library







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