doing this course with some friends and will be trying to be on the same pace as them
one project per week but i may do more if i felt it
01 Boolean logic ✔️
finishded on 22/10/13 in 1 day
cheated on the dmux4way chip after an hour of not knowing how to solve it u-u
02 Boolean arithmetic ✔️
started on 22/10/17 finished on 22/10/21
taking more time since uni is eating through my brain
uni took more of my time than expected u-u
the alu was the hard part but the issues was with me not fully learning .hdl
03 Sequential Logic ✔️
started on 22/10/21 finished on 22/10/22
this was much easier than just the ALU maybe I'm just better with simple logic than math
tho to be fair this project is too repetitive, the who thing was just redo this one chip but bigger
I just noticed that this project is called memory in the book
updated: I feel dumb will count my idiocy as cheating just because I feel my brain cheated me
04 Machine Language ✔️
finished on 22/11/22
uni took all my free time so i completely forgot about this course
this project was easyish - even though this chapter was written badly
I don't feel proud of the code on this part that much though if i'm being honest
05 Computer Architecture ✔️
finished on 22/11/25
I don't really feel accomplished with this one
the book is much worse on this part
06 Assembler ✔️
finished on 22/11/30
this was fun, I don't know alot about Go so it was nice having a project like this to learn
I notced that the project from now on is just software and that's a bit sad i wished for more "hardware" projects
I didn't know if i should keep the .hack files or not so i just kept them because why not
07 VM I: Stack Arithmetic ✔️
finished on 23/01/02
this was fine, live took focus though so it took me more time to finish it
the book wasn't clear about some part so it took some time figuring out what they want
08 VM II: Program Control ✔️
finished on 23/4/17
implemented the whole thing but the assembly code generated is faulty; pop push call and func are correcttly implemented so there's a mistake with how i'm going with the assembly and I don't feel like debuging it
I learned how to finish this with Thorsten Ball's book
I pushed the assmbly files as well because I don't know whether I should or not
09 High-Level Language ✖️
10 Compiler I: Syntax Analysis ✖️
11 Compiler II: Code Generation ✖️
12 Operating System ✖️
13 the unknown oooo ✖️