wiringPi for TinkerBoard ported to Android.
To compile the library, execute from the jni folder the command:
"/path/to/your/SDK/ndk-bundle/ndk-build -B"
You will get some binaries and libraries:
[armeabi] Install : gpio => libs/armeabi/gpio
[armeabi] Install : led => libs/armeabi/led
[armeabi] Install : libwiringPi.so => libs/armeabi/libwiringPi.so
[armeabi] Install : libwiringPiDev.so => libs/armeabi/libwiringPiDev.so
[armeabi] Install : libwpi_android.so => libs/armeabi/libwpi_android.so
The libraries need to be installed to the /system/lib/ folder on the TinkerBoard and the gpio binary to the folder /system/bin/:
adb push ../libs/armeabi/libwiringPi.so /system/lib/
adb push ../libs/armeabi/libwiringPiDev.so /system/lib/
adb push ../libs/armeabi/gpio /system/bin/
Also with a rooted TinkerBoard, it is not possible to access the /dev/mem from an app. So to use the library from an app, it is needed a custom kernel with a gpiomem driver. Without gpiomem driver, you can access the library only from root shell.
The libwpi_android.so is the library you can load in your java code:
package com.jw.wiringpi;
public final class wpiAndroid {
static {
static public native int wiringPiSetup();
static public native int wiringPiSetupSys();
static public native int digitalRead(int port);
static public native void digitalWrite(int port, int onoff);
static public native void pullUpDnControl(int port, int pud);
static public native void pinMode(int port, int mode);
static public native int softPwmCreate(int port, int value, int range);
static public native void softPwmWrite (int port, int value) ;
static public native void softPwmStop (int port) ;
Then you can import the functions to your project:
import static com.jw.wiringpi.wpiAndroid.digitalRead;
import static com.jw.wiringpi.wpiAndroid.digitalWrite;
import static com.jw.wiringpi.wpiAndroid.pinMode;
import static com.jw.wiringpi.wpiAndroid.pullUpDnControl;
import static com.jw.wiringpi.wpiAndroid.wiringPiSetup;
public static final int INPUT = 0;
public static final int OUTPUT = 1;
public static final int PWM_OUTPUT = 2;
public static final int GPIO_CLOCK = 3;
public static final int SOFT_PWM_OUTPUT = 4;
public static final int SOFT_TONE_OUTPUT = 5;
public static final int PWM_TONE_OUTPUT = 6;
public static final int PUD_OFF = 0;
public static final int PUD_DOWN = 1;
public static final int PUD_UP = 2;
public static final int INT_EDGE_SETUP = 0;
public static final int INT_EDGE_FALLING = 1;
public static final int INT_EDGE_RISING = 2;
public static final int INT_EDGE_BOTH = 3;
if (wiringPiSetup() != 0) {
Log.e(TAG, "Error setting up wiringPi!");
pinMode(24, INPUT);
pullUpDnControl(24, PUD_DOWN);
int in24 = digitalRead(24);
And in build.gradle need to be adjusted the path to the libraries:
sourceSets {
main {
// let gradle pack the shared library into apk
jniLibs.srcDirs = ['path/to/wiringPi/libs']