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Star uses starlark to provide a python-like environment to run Go code. This is a quick and dirty experiment and should not be taken seriously.

The intro blog post is likely the best place to get started. Or you can play around in the repl:

How to use

Head to the releases section to download a binary or if you have Go installed just run:

go get

Star provides a python-like environment to run Go packages. A small subset of the standard library is currently supported. You can see the supported packages here:

Some example scripts:

Use Go's concurrency model to fetch some urls in parallel:

http = require("net/http")
ioutil = require("io/ioutil")
sync = require("sync")
star = require("star")
time = require("time")

def get_url(url, wg):
    resp, err = http.Get(url)
    if err:
        return print(err)
    b, err = ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body)
    if err:
        return print(err)
    body, err = star.bytes_to_string(b)
    if err:
        return print(err)
    time.Sleep(time.Second * 2)

def main():
    wg = sync.WaitGroup()
    urls = [
    for url in urls:
        star.go(get_url, url, wg)

Run a web server:

http = require("net/http")

def hello(w, req):
    w.Write("hello world\n")

http.HandleFunc("/hello", hello)

http.ListenAndServe(":8080", http.Handler)