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Releases: elyra-ai/canvas


11 Mar 21:49
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Minor release

Common Canvas

#2390 [Feature Request] Draw decorations on top of nodes

A new canvas config property has been added in this release called enableRaiseLinksToTopOnHover. By default, it is false but when set to true, when the mouse pointer is hovered over a link, the link and its decorations (if any) will be drawn on top of all other canvas objects.

#2392 Deselect All not displayed in canvas context menu/toolbar when a sub-set of canvas objects are selected

The Deselect All option is now displayed in the context menu (or context toolbar) for the Canvas background when one or more objects on the canvas are selected. This aids the keyboard user in being able to rapidly deselect currently selected objects in teh same way as a mouse/trackpad user can click on the canvas background.

#2396 Double clicking to go back to previous pipeline can go too far back

When a sub-flow is being viewed, if the user clicks the Return to previous flowbutton it is now immediately disabled. This prevents the user from accidentally clicking the button twice -- which can happen with some applications that manage supernodes and sub-flows themselves.

Common Properties

Bug fixes

Issues Resolved

Full Changelog: v13.19.2...v13.20.0


04 Mar 18:25
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Patch release

Common Canvas

8 fixed

Common Properties

1 accessibility fix

Issues Resolved

Full Changelog: v13.19.1...v13.19.2


26 Feb 01:46
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Patch release

Common Canvas

1 fix

Common Properties

No changes

Issues Resolved

  • #2362 Error handling problems with canvasController.moveFocusTo by @tomlyn in #2363

Full Changelog: v13.19.0...v13.19.1


25 Feb 18:35
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Feature Enhancements

App Development

#1320 Add module TypeScript definitions and compatibility

Elyra Canvas now includes Typescript declarations for its API, including:

  • The Common Canvas React object
  • The canvas controller
  • The Common Properties React object
  • The properties controller

The declarations are exported from Elyra Canvas for use in your Typescript code. The files can be found in the canvas-modules/common-canvas/types directory in the Elyra Canvas repo.

These declaration leverage Typescript declarations exported from the elyra/pipeline-schemas package that are automatically generated from the JSON schema files contained in that repo. The declarations are for:

  • Pipeline flow objects
  • Canvas info objects (which are the internal format used by the canvas controller API methods)

Many thanks to David Pham and Sam Mayer for their contributions to this significant new feature.

Common Canvas

#2354 Update Mapping sample app to have editable column names

The Mapping sample app has been updated to have editable column names. The user can click on a column name to make it editable.

#2356 Keyboard equivalents needed for different types of mouse' click'

Currently, when the configuration property enableKeyboardNavigation is set to true, various keyboard interactions are enabled that simulate gestures that can be performed with the mouse or trackpad. In this release, Common Canvas will emit a call to clickActionHandler with an appropriate parameter value to indicate the type of mouse/trackpad gesture being simulated.

For example, with focus on a node:

  • Pressing Command + / simulates a right-click on the node
    • Common Canvas will make a call to the clickActionHandler with the clickType property of the source parameter set to "SINGLE_CLICK_CONTEXTMENU"
  • Pressing return simulates a click on the node
    • Common Canvas will make a call to the clickActionHandler with the clickType property of the source parameter set to "SINGLE_CLICK"
  • When the node is currently selected, pressing enter simulates a double-click on the node
    • Common Canvas will make a call to the clickActionHandler with the clickType property of the source parameter set to "DOUBLE_CLICK"

Common Properties

No new features

Issues Resolved

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v13.18.0...v13.19.0


19 Feb 20:52
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Feature Enhancements

Common Canvas

No new features

Common Properties

#2346 New config option should_filter_item for filtering oneofselect dropdown items. This defaults to false and will need to be set to true to enable filtering. This only applies to oneofselect controls that also have custom_value_allowed set to true

Issues Resolved

Full Changelog: v13.17.0...v13.18.0


05 Feb 07:48
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Feature Enhancements

Common Canvas

No changes

Common Properties

#2256 Add ability to display text description next to Common Properties heading label.

A new Common Properties config showHeadingDesc is added that allows headings to have descriptions displayed as tooltips, which include clickable links. When a link is clicked user will be redirected to the URL specified in the help property.

Description can be included in parmaDef like below.


The Description tooltip/Help button will behave in following manner.

  • If only description is provided without help, a tooltip is displayed like below.

  • If there is only help then a help button is displayed and the icon opens the help page.

  • If there are both description and help then the description text with the link from the help section is displayed in a Tooltip like below.


Issues Resolved

Full Changelog: v13.16.0...v13.17.0


24 Jan 22:12
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Feature Enhancements

Common Canvas

#2316 Single click to add item from palette

A new canvas configuration field called enableSingleClickAddFromPalette has been added in this release. If set to true, it will allow the user to single click on a node in the palette to automatically add the node to the canvas and link it up to one of the existing nodes on the canvas. This is the same as the currently supported behavior where the user can double click on a node in the palette to add and link it to the current flow.

Common Properties

Just on bug fix

Issues Resolved

Full Changelog: v13.15.0...v13.16.0


17 Jan 23:44
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Feature Enhancements

Common Canvas

#2298 Drag interactions are too sensitive

When the config field enableDragWithoutSelect is set to true, the dragging of nodes is now a little less sensitive to slight movements of the mouse during a click to select a node. The mouse is allowed to move 3px between the mousedown and mouseup and the gesture will still be interpreted as a select gesture rather than a drag gesture.

Common Properties

Just bug fixes

Issues Resolved

Full Changelog: v13.14.0...v13.15.0


10 Jan 19:36
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Feature Enhancements

Common Properties

#2292 For single select tables, show table toolbar when moveable_rows is set

When single select table has moveable_rows: true, table toolbar should have row move buttons -

When moveable_rows: false or moveable_rows is not set, don't show table toolbar for single select tables -

Issues Resolved

Full Changelog: v13.13.0...v13.14.0


17 Dec 19:40
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Feature Enhancements

Common Canvas

#2266 Custom port images

The specification for the way ports are displayed has been changed in this release. The following fields in the node layout object (enableNodeLayout in the canvas config object) have been removed:

  • outputPortObject
  • outputPortImage
  • outputPortWidth
  • outputPortHeight

They have been replaced with a field called outputPortDisplayObjects. This contains an array with an element that corresponds to each output port specified for the nodes. The elements of the array can have different structures as follows:

{ type: “circle” } // Draws a circle to represent the port
{ type: “circleWithArrow” } // Draws a circle with an arrow head (shown when port is connected) to represent the port.  
{ type: “image”, src: “path/picture.svg”, width: 10, height: 10 } // Displays an image for the port
{ type: “jsx”, src: (<FaceCool />), width: 10, height: 10 } // Displays a JSX object for the port

If the node has more output ports (outputs) than elements in the array the last element from the array will be used for the remaining ports. So if you want all ports to be displayed the same, just specify one element in the array.

The same change has been made for output ‘guide objects’. A Guide object is the image displayed at the end of the new link line as it is dragged away from the node. These fields have been removed:

  • outputPortGuideObject
  • outputPortGuideImage

They have been replaced with the field outputPortGuideObjects which is an array with the same structure as for outputPortDisplayObjects.

The same change has been made for input ports. These fields have been removed:

  • inputPortObject
  • inputPortImage
  • inputPortWidth
  • inputPortHeight

and have been replaced by inputPortDisplayObjects.

And also these fields have been removed:

  • inputPortGuideObject
  • inputPortGuideImage

and have been replaced by the field inputPortGuideObjects

These changes allow something like this where each output port can have a different image:



  1. The Prompt sample application has been altered to use this new approach.
  2. The old fields will continue to work in the current release but will be removed in the next major release (which is not that far in the future). It is therefore strongly recommended, if your code is overriding any of the defaults for these fields, that you convert your code to use the new arrays. This will save having migration work in the future.

#2276 Allow click on a port to cause an action

The user can now click on a port which will cause the clickActionHandler callback to be called with a source parameter object that contains information about the node and port that was clicked.

The Prompt sample application in the test harness has been updated to enable this, so the user can click a port to display a link and prompt for that port.

Dec-17-2024 11-36-42

Common Properties

  • Just bug fixes

Issues Resolved

Full Changelog: v13.12.0...v13.13.0