Scheduler is a React application that allows users to book and cancel interviews witn an interviewer.
- Fork this repository, then clone your fork of this repository. 2 .Install dependencies using the npm install command. 3 .Start the web server using the npm run start. The app will be served at http://localhost:8000/. 4 .Go to http://localhost:8000/ in your browser.
- Data is stored in a PostgreSQL database that can be found here : To setup the api server, follow the instruction in the repository. Scheduler-Api is running on http://localhost:8001/days
- Running Jest Test Framework : npm test
- Running Storybook Visual Testbed: npm run storybook
- Development focuses on a single page application (SPA) called Interview Scheduler, built using React.
- Data is persisted by the API server using a PostgreSQL database.
- The client application communicates with an API server over HTTP, using the JSON format.
- Jest tests are used through the development of the project.
- React:
- Webpack :
- Babel:
- Axios :
- WebSockets:
- Storybook:
- Webpack Dev Server:
- Jest:
- Testing Library:
The Scheduler client application created using Create React App. Express is the basis for the Scheduler API server application.
Both servers run concurrently; requests are proxied from the Webpack development server to the API server.