This is a default screenshot app for Linux Deepin.
Qt (>=5.6),
debhelper (>=9),
qt5-qmake, qt5-default, qtbase5-dev, pkg-config, libqt5svg5-dev, libqt5x11extras5-dev, qttools5-dev-tools,
libxcb-util0-dev, libstartup-notification0-dev,
qtbase5-private-dev,qtmultimedia5-dev, x11proto-xext-dev, libmtdev-dev, libegl1-mesa-dev, x11proto-record-dev,libxtst-dev,
libudev-dev, libfontconfig1-dev, libfreetype6-dev, libglib2.0-dev, libxrender-dev, libdtkwidget-dev
deepin-notifications (>2.3.8-1)
- On the Deepin operation system: the deepin screenshot is published within!
- On other operation system, you could download the source code of deepin screenshot:
- firstly, install the dependencies rightly;
- secondly, run
cd deepin-screenshot
; - thirdly, make a directory: build; run
qmake ..
;make install
Run the command: deepin-screenshot
Any usage issues can ask for help via
We encourage you to report issues and contribute changes
- Contribution guide for developers. (English)
- 开发者代码贡献指南 (中文)
deepin-screenshot is licensed under GPLv3.