Farm Connect is a marketplace application that allows small farmers to sell locally grown produce to the public at large. When farmer lists an item to sell, it becomes available for purchase, and users can buy directly from those farms.
PostgreSQL supports Mac OS X, Ubuntu, and Windows. To install postgres with Homebrew, run the following command from terminal or any command line interface:
brew install postgres
If using Mac OS X, install the Postgres App by following this link. On Mac, Postgres runs best if you run it using the app, as opposed to running it from the terminal.
- Node 4.4.4
- PostgreSQL 9.5.3
client/ #client entry point, imports all client code
AddProductsCtrl.js #controls addition of products to the marketplace
AuthCtrl.js #controls client side authentication
CartCtrl.js #controls addition and removal for items in shopping cart
CheckoutCtrl.js #controls payment functionality
ProductsCtrl.js #controls item addition to cart
views/ #entry point for all presentational components
about.html #about page
addProductForm.html #form for the addition of products to the marketplace
cart.html #shopping cart summary page
checkoutModal.html #payment pop up modal in checkout of cart summary page
navBar.html #navigation bar
signin.html #sign in page
signup.html #sign up page
app.js #initializes and loads all angular modules on clientside
routes.js #client side routing
server/ #entry point for all server code
auth/ #entry point for authentication control
authController.js #controls authentication
routes.js #server-side routing
initialization.js #initializes server connection with client
db/ #entry point for database and connection
connection.js #establishes connection between server and database
postsData.js #dummy data for posts
schema.sql #defines all tables and relations within the database
seedDB.js #seeds the database with dummy data
productsCollection.js #controls addition of products to the database
server.js #entry point file for running the server
Clone this repo to your local work station and from within the root directory:
This will install all the necessary dependencies in the client and serverside directories
To seed your database with dummy data, run:
node server/db/seedDB.js
Once the dependencies are installed, you can start the application with the following commands. Both the database and the server must be running properly in order for the app to run. First, within the postgres app:
psql < ABSOLUTE_PATH_ON_YOUR_MACHINE_TO_/Farm-Connect/server/db/schema.sql;
And then in a separate tab in your terminal, run this command in the root directory:
node server/server.js
Open your web browser and go to http://localhost:1337
to see the app running.
View the project roadmap here
See for contribution guidelines.