This application can be used as a sample application to evaluate Multimedia SDK and it can be used by developers as a reference while integrating Ekomsys Multimedia SDK in their product.
You will need visual studio 2015 and above to compile this application. In case you are just evaluating the SDK (v5.0), please download the SDK from website and use the pre built binary MultimediaSDKDemo.
- Clone the repository on your machine.
- Download the SDK from ekomsys website - Ekomsys Multimedia SDK - v5.0
- While installing make sure you keep the checkbox to register the COM components.
- Open .sln file in visual studio and compile the project
- Copy the output binary to the bin/x64 directory of SDK and run the binary.
Demo application provides with the help to run the application. Please follow the prompts in the application to run the demo.
This demo comes with a demo license and cannot be used in production. To deploy this SDK in production you need to get the commercial license from Ekomsys.
- Visual Studio 2017 - IDE to develop VB.NET applications.
- Ekomsys Multimedia SDK - Required to build and run the application.
Specific demo application design and development issues, bugs, and feature requests are maintained by GitHub Issues.
Please do not post usage, installation, or modeling questions, or other requests for help to Issues. Use the forum instead. This helps developers maintain a clear, uncluttered, and efficient view of the state of demo application.
When reporting a bug, it's most helpful to provide the following information, where applicable:
- What steps reproduce the bug?
- Can you reproduce the bug using the latest master branch?
- What hardware and operating system/distribution are you running?
Try to give your issue a title that is succinct and specific. The devs will rename issues as needed to keep track of them.
Ekomsys welcomes all contributions.
Briefly: read commit by commit, a PR should tell a clean, compelling story of one improvement to the application. In particular:
- A PR should do one clear thing that obviously improves application, and nothing more. Making many smaller PRs is better than making one large PR; review effort is superlinear in the amount of code involved.
- Similarly, each commit should be a small, atomic change representing one step in development. PRs should be made of many commits where appropriate.
- Please do rewrite PR history to be clean rather than chronological. Within-PR bugfixes, style cleanups, reversions, etc. should be squashed and should not appear in merged PR history.
- Anything nonobvious from the code should be explained in comments, commit messages, or the PR description, as appropriate.
- Sarbjit Singh - Initial work
See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details
- Praveen Kumar (CEO Neurosoft) for reviewing and testing this application.