GRIL-ÉcoLac autumn workshop (November 1-3, 2019) about using git, RMarkdown and data sharing tools to create reproducible workflows and analyses.
- (and install_git.html) contain instructions for installing git and other packages prior to attending the workshop.
- (and use_git.html) contain detailed instructions for using git with GitHub for the first time.
- useful_links_reproducible_science.docx contains links to some of the tools that can be used for creating reproducible research.
- abstract.docx contains the presentation and workshop plans.
- presentation.pptx contains a 40 minute presentation about the replication crisis in science.
- workshop.pptx contains a short follow-along presentation for creating a git repository in GitHub.
- PlantUptake.Rmd contains an example of a Results section of a manuscript used for the workshop portion.