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Synch data from Sql Server to

Build with dotnet core 2.1 and using Sfdc partner wsdl to sync data.

How to run

$ dotnet SfdcDataSync your-config.json [detail-log-path]

System requirement

dotnet core 2.1

Sample json config file

  "Name": "Name of your job",
  "Connections": [
      "Name": "NameOfYourSqlConnection",
      "Type": "Sql",
      "Parameter": {
        "ConnectionString": "data source=\"[your server address]\";initial catalog=\"[your database name]\";user id=\"[your user name]\";password=\"[your password]\";max pool size=250;",
        "BatchSize": 200
      "Name": "NameOfYourSfdcConnection",
      "Type": "Sfdc",
      "Parameter": {
        "UserName": "[email protected]",
        "Password": "yoursfdcpassword",
        "Token": "yoursfdcapitoken",
        "Endpoint": "https:\/\/\/services\/Soap\/u\/43.0"
  "ResultLoggers": [
      "Name": "YourResultLoggerName",
      "Config": {
        "Connection": "NameOfYourSqlConnection",
        "Command": "INSERT INTO dbo.Log (source_bussiness_key, target_source_bussiness_key, status, error_desc) VALUES (@key, @remote_key, @status, @message); UPDATE SET Status = @status PK = @key;"
  "Tasks": [
      "Name": "Your 1st Task Name",
      "Type": "SqlCommand",
      "TargetConnection": "NameOfYourSqlConnection",
      "TargetCommand": "TRUNCATE TABLE dbo.workspace;"
      "Name": "Your 2nd Task Name",
      "Type": "SqlToSfdc",
      "SourceConnection": "NameOfYourSqlConnection",
      "SourceCommand": "Select field1, field2, field3, field4, 'RecordTypeId'As RecordTypeId From dbo.TableName",
      "TargetConnection": "NameOfYourSfdcConnection",
      "TargetCommand": {
        "Operation": "Upsert",
        "Object": "Contact",
        "UpsertKeyField": "YourUpsertKey__c"
      "Mapping": [
          "From": "field1",
          "To": "YourUpsertKey__c"
          "From": "FirstName",
          "To": "field2",
          "UpdateOnNull": false
          "From": "LastName",
          "To": "field3",
          "UpdateOnNull": false
          "From": "RecordTypeId",
          "To": "RecordTypeId"
          "From": "Email",
          "To": "field4",
          "UpdateOnNull": false
      "ResultLogger": "YourResultLoggerName"
      "Name": "Your 3rd Task Name",
      "Type": "SfdcToSql",
      "TargetConnection": "NameOfYourSqlConnection",
      "TargetCommand": "INSERT INTO dbo.Contact (Id, AccountId) VALUES( @Id, @AccountId)",
      "SourceConnection": "NameOfYourSfdcConnection",
      "SourceCommand": {
        "Operation": "Select",
        "CommandText": "Select c.Id, c.AccountId From Contact c"
      "Mapping": [
          "From": "Id",
          "To": "Id"
          "From": "AccountId",
          "To": "AccountId"

Connection Type

  • Sql : connection string to connect to your sql server
  • Sfdc : connection information to connect to your Sfdc environtment

Task Type

  • SqlCommand : Adhoc sql command to execute to your sql server
  • SqlToSfdc : Transfer data from your sql server to sfdc
  • SfdcToSql : Transfer data from sfdc to your sql server