This folder contains the proposed multi-channel artificial wind noise generator.
The main script is "generate_coherent_wind_noise.m".
The other files are:
generate_uncorr_wind.m = Matlab function for the generations of M uncorrelated wind noise signals with a shared Long-Term gain and individual Short-Term gains
cohere_mod.m = Matlab function for the computation of the complex coherence
stft/istft/biorwin.m = Matlab functions for the computation of the STFT/iSTFT
mix_signals.m = Matlab function for the decomposition of the coherence matrix to compute the mixing matrix
exc_signals.mat = Matrix whose rows are the excitation signals from real wind noise recordings
transition_prob_const.mat = Matrix of the state transitions probabilities for no-wind,low-wind and high-wind for a constant flow
transition_prob_gusts.mat = Matrix of the state transitions probabilities for no-wind,low-wind and high-wind for a gusty flow