Language: ENG, RUS
Geo Search - PHP library that will allow you to determine the geographical location of an object based on the transmitted data.
Third-party service APIs are used for the search, so the input data for the search may differ depending on the service. The entire list of available services is listed below.
Any client compatible with PSR-18 is suitable for providing http requests. The examples will use the library Guzzle
Any client compatible with PSP-16 is suitable for working with the cache. The examples will use libraries SymfonyCache
Any client compatible with PSR-3 is suitable for error logging (Monolog and so on.). The examples will use the ConsoleLogger included in the current library.
The recommended way to install Geo Search is via Composer.
composer require eegusakov/geo-search
Attention, to work with each service, you need to get an API access token. To get it, follow the link attached to a specific service
Link to the service:
Link to documentation:
Performs a search on the following data:
- US postal code,
- UK postal code,
- postal code of Canada,
- IP address,
- latitude/longitude (decimal degree),
- name of the city;
use GuzzleHttp\Client;
use GeoSearch\Engines\WeatherApi\WeatherApiSearchEngine;
use GeoSearch\Engines\WeatherApi\ResponseFromGeoDtoMapper;
$weatherApiSearchEngine = new WeatherApiSearchEngine(
new Client()
$geoByCity = $weatherApiSearchEngine->search('Moscow');
$geoByCoordinates = $weatherApiSearchEngine->search('53,-0.12');
$geoByZipCode = $weatherApiSearchEngine->search('90201');
Link to the service:
Link to documentation:
Performs a search on the following data:
- name of the city,
- postal code;
use GuzzleHttp\Client;
use GeoSearch\Engines\OpenMeteo\OpenMeteoSearchEngine;
$openMeteoSearchEngine = new OpenMeteoSearchEngine(
new Client()
$geoByCity = $openMeteoSearchEngine->search('Moscow');
$geoByZipCode = $openMeteoSearchEngine->search('10001');
1. Using multiple services at once
This library allows you to use several services at once and get the result of the first service that returned a non-empty response.
use GeoSearch\Engines\ChainSearchEngine;
use GeoSearch\Engines\OpenMeteo\OpenMeteoSearchEngine;
use GeoSearch\Engines\WeatherApi\WeatherApiSearchEngine;
use GuzzleHttp\Client;
$chainSearchEngine = new ChainSearchEngine(
new WeatherApiSearchEngine(
new Client()
new WeatherApiSearchEngine(
new Client()
new OpenMeteoSearchEngine(
new Client(),
$geo = $chainSearchEngine->search('Moscow');
2. The ability to ignore errors
The functionality is relevant when there is a need to ignore errors and move on to the next request.
ErrorHandler processes all errors and writes them to the log, the library includes a basic logger that simply outputs information to the console (ConsoleLogger).
Any client compatible with PSR-3 is suitable for logging.
use GuzzleHttp\Client;
use GeoSearch\Engines\MuteSearchEngine;
use GeoSearch\Handlers\ErrorHandler;
use GeoSearch\Loggers\ConsoleLogger;
use GeoSearch\Engines\WeatherApi\WeatherApiSearchEngine;
$muteSearchEngine = new MuteSearchEngine(
new WeatherApiSearchEngine(
new Client()
new ErrorHandler(
new ConsoleLogger()
$geo = $muteSearchEngine->search('Moscow');
3. Ability to cache the response result
Any client compatible with PSP-16 is suitable for working with the cache. The example will use SymfonyCache.
use GeoSearch\Engines\WeatherApi\WeatherApiSearchEngine;
use Symfony\Component\Cache\Adapter\FilesystemAdapter;
use GeoSearch\Engines\CacheSearchEngine;
use Symfony\Component\Cache\Psr16Cache;
use GuzzleHttp\Client;
$cacheSearchEngine = new CacheSearchEngine(
new WeatherApiSearchEngine(
new Client()
new Psr16Cache(
new FilesystemAdapter()
$geo = $cacheSearchEngine->search('Moscow');
4. The ability to combine the 1st, 2nd and 3rd item
use GuzzleHttp\Client;
use Symfony\Component\Cache\Psr16Cache;
use GeoSearch\Handlers\ErrorHandler;
use GeoSearch\Loggers\ConsoleLogger;
use GeoSearch\Engines\MuteSearchEngine;
use GeoSearch\Engines\CacheSearchEngine;
use GeoSearch\Engines\ChainSearchEngine;
use Symfony\Component\Cache\Adapter\FilesystemAdapter;
use GeoSearch\Engines\OpenMeteo\OpenMeteoSearchEngine;
use GeoSearch\Engines\WeatherApi\WeatherApiSearchEngine;
$cacheChainMuteSearchEngine = new CacheSearchEngine(
new ChainSearchEngine(
new MuteSearchEngine(
new WeatherApiSearchEngine(
new Client()
new ErrorHandler(
new ConsoleLogger()
new MuteSearchEngine(
new OpenMeteoSearchEngine(
new Client()
new ErrorHandler(
new ConsoleLogger()
new Psr16Cache(
new FilesystemAdapter()
$geo = $cacheChainMuteSearchEngine->search('Moscow');
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This project is licensed under the MIT license - see the LICENSE file for details