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Plugin Provider Options

Eduardo Mozart de Oliveira edited this page Feb 4, 2025 · 1 revision

You can configure the following options when creating or editing a SSO provider:

  • Single Sign-On Provider
    • Scope: Used to delimit the level of privilege the plugin will have from user information (e.g. in Office 365, it typically uses "User.Read" to get the name, work location and e - user mail, but additional information from the provider may require a more privileged scope). The scope name varies depending on the provider.
    • Extra Options: Allows you to add additional parameters to Authorization URL (there are some configuration tips in the tooltip available next to the field).
    • Use Email as Login: Allows you to define whether your users can log in to GLPI only using their email address. If set to "No", the plugin will attempt to check whether the SSO provider fields ['userPrincipalName', 'login', 'username', 'id', 'name', 'displayName'] to match a GLPI user account.
    • Split Name: Allows you to log in to GLPI using the user login in the format "username" instead of "[email protected]" to do a user account check against the GLPI user database.
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