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The source code for my personal website built with Gatsby and Ghost as a headless CMS.



Install Gatsby and clone the repository

# Install the Gatsby CLI
npm install -g gatsby-cli
# Clone the repository
git clone

Then install dependencies

npm install



Create the file .env.development in the root directory and paste the following variables:


The API URL is the URL of your Ghost site. For Ghost(Pro) customers, this is the Ghost URL ending in, and for people using the self-hosted version of Ghost, it's the same URL used to access your site.

A Content API Key can be provided by creating an integration within Ghost Admin. Navigate to Integrations and click "Add new integration". Name the integration appropriately and click create.

Start the development server. You now have a Gatsby site pulling content from headless Ghost.

gatsby develop

Finally, configure your desired URL in siteConfig.js, so links (e. g. canonical links) are generated correctly. You can also update other default values, such as postsPerPage in this file.


Production Build

Create the file .env.production in the root directory, paste the same development variables and change the values accordingly.

# Run a production build, locally
gatsby build

# Serve a production build, locally
gatsby serve

Gatsby develop uses the development variables in .env.development - while Gatsby build uses the production variables in .env.production.


Deploying with Netlify

The project contains three config files specifically for deploying with Netlify. A netlify.toml file for build settings, a /static/_headers file with default security headers set for all routes, and /static/_redirects to set Netlify custom domain redirects.

To deploy to your Netlify account, hit the button below.

Deploy to Netlify

The environment variables including your Content API Keys must be set as Netlify ENV variables for production builds.

Once deployed, you can set up a Ghost + Netlify Integration to use deploy hooks from Ghost to trigger Netlify rebuilds. That way, any time data changes in Ghost, your site will rebuild on Netlify.



You can disable the default Ghost Handlebars Theme front-end by enabling the Make this site private flag within your Ghost settings. This enables password protection in front of the Ghost install and sets <meta name="robots" content="noindex" /> so your Gatsby front-end becomes the source of truth for SEO.



The source code for my personal website







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