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Jira Software Tool

A Google Chrome extension for Jira Software. Easily copy issue/ ticket ID, title and URL to clipboard.

alt text

alt text


Select a Jira issue/ ticket and click on the extension icon on the extensions area of your browser to open the popup.

Built with

Add to Google Chrome

Get the extension at Chrome Web Store.

Add to Google Chrome w/ developer mode

Important notes

Even though this project works on the local development server http://localhost:3000/, it is still needed to run npm run build whenever you made changes on the source code. This is because the extension needs to function on the browser side and not on the local server.

The normal workflow are the following:

  1. Make change(s) on source code.
  2. Run npm run build.
  3. Reload the extension at chrome://extensions/ (optional).
  4. Repeat (hehe XD).

Clone the project and try it out

  1. Clone
git clone
  1. cd to project
cd jira-software-tool/
  1. Install dependencies
npm i
  1. Build project
npm run build
  1. Open a Google Chrome browser and navigate to chrome://extensions/.

  2. Enable Developer mode.

  3. Click on Load unpacked.

  4. Find the project jira-software-tool/ and open it. Select build/ as the extension directory.

  5. Jira Software Tool extension should be added to Chrome at this point.

Development story

Documented below are the additions and updates I made to be able to run this React project on a Google Chrome browser.

Updates on package.json

  • Replaced react-scripts with craco -
  • Added INLINE_RUNTIME_CHUNK=false on "build" - used to bundle script on a separate file.
  • Added npm run build:chrome-scripts on "build" - additional command to build Chrome scripts.
  • Added "build:chrome-scripts": "npx webpack -c" - custom command to build Chrome scripts.

Final look of "scripts" block on package.json:

  "scripts": {
    "start": "craco start",
    "build": "INLINE_RUNTIME_CHUNK=false craco build && npm run build:chrome-scripts",
    "build:chrome-scripts": "npx webpack -c",
    "test": "craco test",
    "eject": "react-scripts eject"


  • - Webpack config specifically for Chrome scripts ./src/chrome/*.tsx.
  • - TypeScript config to support JSX and importing of components on ./src/chrome/\*.tsx.
  • src/chrome/*.tsx - Chrome scripts; build output at build/chrome/.


This project is developed and maintained by