Kaggle scripts are a way Kaggle users can share their code. By analyzing these scripts as data I hope to get some insights in what tools (R and Python packages) are the most popular (for machine learning).
There are various surveys on tools used for data analysis / data science / data mining and even just machine learning. Most notably the KDnuggets surveys, the Rexer Analytics surveys and the O'Reilly Radar surveys. I have also done myself some surveys at various meetups in Los Angeles e.g. tools for data science (that is for data munging, data visualization and modeling/machine learning) and tools for machine learning (just for the machine learning part).
In all these surveys R and Python are at the top in usage (and absolutely dominate at meetups, which are frequented by people using mostly open source tools). R has perhaps some edge when considering the entire data analysis workflow, and maybe Python has a slight advantage when considering only the machine learning part. Of course, all these surveys have biases etc. and one should take the results with caveats.
There are countless blog posts about R vs Python for data science (based on features, usage etc.), some of them giving the impression of a war. I do not intend to add to the flames, I just looked at some usage data and show the results. The results seem to align well with the surveys in the sense that there is no clear winner in popularity.
There are a lot of proxies/approximations/possible biases here. The usually caveats apply.
You can download a list a Kaggle scripts from https://www.kaggle.com/scripts. You can choose a language
e.g. R/Python and choose to sort by votes, e.g. https://www.kaggle.com/scripts?sortBy=votes&language=R.
You will get only a few top scripts, but you can scroll for more. I'm getting only those with votes > 0
and saving the results for each language (manually) as an HTML file. You could automate this if you want.
I've got files for R, R-markdown, Python and Julia. I've combined R and R-markdown in one group. I've calculated the total number of scripts, votes and views by language:
| scripts | votes | views
-------|----------|----------|---------- Julia | 30 | 50 | 11059 Python | 945 | 4558 | 1095967 R+Rmd | 975 | 5212 | 1223700
You can get the list of R/Python scripts, download them and look for library
or required
and import
(Python) and see which packages are the most popular. Here is a
script that does that (please keep sleep
as in the script to be gentle on Kaggle's
344 readr
246 ggplot2
141 dplyr
125 randomForest
122 data.table
108 xgboost
102 caret
62 lubridate
51 Metrics
51 Matrix
49 plyr
42 ggmap
34 h2o
33 tm
29 rpart
22 reshape2
22 e1071
21 RSQLite
20 scales
20 corrplot
17 png
16 geosphere
16 gbm
16 Rtsne
16 RColorBrewer
15 stringr
15 rpart.plot
15 gridExtra
14 methods
14 ggvis
of which the most popular R machine learning packages are:
125 randomForest
108 xgboost
102 caret
34 h2o
29 rpart
22 e1071
16 gbm
xgboost and h2o are not R packages exclusively: xgboost is a C++ library with R/Python/etc. APIs, h2o is launching a separate Java process that can be interacted with from R/Python/etc.
531 numpy
498 pandas
447 sklearn
187 matplotlib
156 xgboost
77 re
68 scipy
68 os
64 seaborn
60 math
54 nltk
52 datetime
47 csv
43 bs4
40 zipfile
34 sys
32 lasagne
31 nolearn
30 time
29 keras
28 theano
27 random
24 glob
23 haversine
19 collections
18 json
17 PIL
15 string
14 hep_ml
13 pylab
of which the most popular Python machine learning libraries:
447 sklearn
156 xgboost
54 nltk
32 lasagne
31 nolearn
29 keras
28 theano
xgboost is a C++ library with R/Python/etc. API as already mentioned at the R section. nltk is a text processing library with some ML. lasagne, nolearn, keras, theano (and tensorflow with 3 uses) are mainly for deep learning.
How good are these results in describing popularity of tools among machine learning practitioners? There are a lot of approximations/proxies/possible biases here, e.g. Kaggle users vs machine learning professionals, Kaggle scripts (sharing) vs Kaggle users' usage in projects/competitions, small sample etc. etc. But I think this short study still gives a rough idea of usage. You are welcome to submit results (as github issues) if you do any better.