RESTful API Generator for
This is a simple tool to generate a RESTful CRUD services by using data model name.
You can use boilerplate/starter project for quickly building RESTful APIs using Node.js, Express, and Mongoose. Please follow the link and get the full description about it.
After you made your project using bolderplate, first install the restgen:
npm install -g
Then, simply run:
restgen -m <datamodel> -f "<model field set>"
-m - is the data model name. Ex: -m person -f - is model field set. Ex: -f "name, height(number), gender|male, color"
- When you are using fields, you have to comma seperate the fields names.
- The default feild type will be string. But you can simply add the data type using parentheses "()"
- For any default value just use pipe "|" character
- Both data type and default can be combined, but make sure to use default after the data type. Ex: height(number)|25
At the moment this is just a simple project which used by me. So if you feel any suggetions or any bugs related to this, please feel free post it here or contact me.