Releases: dynamicweb/Swift
[v1.26.8] - 22-01-2025
- Swift v1.26.8 requires DynamicWeb v9.18.2 or newer, requires the Shipmondo.dll version 2.0.0 or newer
- Swift v1.26.8 can also run on DynamicWeb v10.9.0 or newer, if Shipmondo is used, it requires Shipmondo.dll version 10.0.5 (which needs to be installed) or newer
- Checkout: AddressUser, Set "same as billing address" as default selected delivery address when user has no other addresses
- Customer center: Order list - Download assets button, Set the Repository and Query for product assets download link
- General: Digital Assets Portal, Render PDF icon to fix broken thumbnails for PDF files on DynamicWeb10
- General: Digital Assets Portal, Fix for "Enter" key breaking the layout on Assets search
- Itemtypes: Media Gallery, Use getimage for image links
- Itemtypes: Slider, Fix theme inheritance issue
- Itemtypes: Related product list, Load field display groups after prices to fix fields not showing on initial load using Live integration
- Itemtypes: Article List, Remove usage of inline js method to fix issue when having multiple Article lists sliders on the same page
- Itemtypes: Mega menu, Css fallback for megamenu dropdown toggle area
[v1.26.7] - 20-11-2024
- Swift v1.26.7 requires DynamicWeb v9.17.10 or newer, requires the Shipmondo.dll version 2.0.0 or newer
- Swift v1.26.7 can also run on DynamicWeb v10.7.0 or newer, if Shipmondo is used, it requires Shipmondo.dll version 10.0.5 (which needs to be installed) or newer
- Cart: Make links absolute to fix url path when removing products from mini cart off-canvas and cart summary
- Cart: OrderLineItem, UrlEncoding of product image path to fix broken images
- Checkout: Order Email and Order summary, UrlEncoding of product image path to fix broken images
- Checkout: Remove the inserted line breaks from comments field
- Checkout: Enable the possibility to use validation when no shipping method is selected
- Checkout: Always have the possibility to remove a voucher code
- Checkout: Checkout anonymous, Missing null check for checkout user page link when sign in
- Customer center: Create and manage users, Fix for website header redrawn double when inviting user
- General: Variant selector: Remove selected name, when deselecting
- General: Translate extranet "Incorrect username or password" error
- General: Preferences, Load preferences only once to fix language selector dropdown flicker
- General: Preferences, Fix for hide language icon and language name
- General: Add null check to custom header include to avoid exception
- Itemtypes: ProductListFacets, Remove forced ios+chrome reload page
[v1.26.6] - 27-09-2024
- Swift v1.26.6 requires DynamicWeb v9.17.10 or newer, requires the Shipmondo.dll version 2.0.0 or newer
- Swift v1.26.6 can also run on DynamicWeb v10.7.0 or newer, if Shipmondo is used, it requires Shipmondo.dll version 10.0.5 (which needs to be installed) or newer
- Customer center: My orders, Order details product name is not rendered
- General: Make Variant link to go to root. Fix broken url when enabling " Do not add base href to heade "
- General: Fix gtag product price and discount
- General: ProductPrice, Format price alternative on the GTM event
- General: Accessing a product detail page with a productid where the productid does not exist, the swift page template goes into exception. Add null check
- General: gobalsettings, CommandTimeout in wrong XPath in GlobalSettings
- Itemtypes: ProductDefaultImag. Add itemprop on product images
- Itemtypes: Formfield, Query is not correctly interpreted with multiple values. Fix FacetType == " List ", checking
[v1.26.5] - 04-09-2024
- Swift v1.26.5 requires DynamicWeb v9.17.10 or newer, requires the Shipmondo.dll version 2.0.0 or newer
- Swift v1.26.5 can also run on DynamicWeb v10.7.0 or newer, if Shipmondo is used, it requires Shipmondo.dll version 10.0.5 (which needs to be installed) or newer
- Checkout: OrderDeliveryDate, Checkout date range is not respected in calendar. Flatpickr date format respected
- General: Terms and conditions link in checkout not working when "Do not add base href" is enabled
- General: Adding .vscode folder to .gitignore
- General: Dropdown trigger only on click (Mouseover for megamenu)
- Itemtypes: Favorites, Add variant to favorite list
- Itemtypes: Emailicons, remove extra slash in path
- Itemtypes: OffCavasNavigation_DW10, NavItems, Fix the Offcanvas cursor pointer on back arrow
- Cart: cart.js, The event updated.swift.cart are missing the parentEvent
- Itemtypes: ProductDetailsGallery, ProductDetailsImage. Media aspect ratio defaults
- Cutomer center: My orders, AddressDisplayFormatted, fix Order details "Value cannot be null" for regex
- Itemtypes: ProductDetailsGallery, set correct slide number for mobile view
[v1.26.4] - 09-07-2024
- Swift v1.26.4 requires DynamicWeb v9.17.4 or newer, requires the Shipmondo.dll version 2.0.0 or newer
- Swift v1.26.4 can also run on DynamicWeb v10.4.0 or newer, if Shipmondo is used, it requires Shipmondo.dll version 10.0.5 (which needs to be installed) or newer
- Customer center: SecondaryUsers, on My customers fix address issing white space
- General: Mini cart + Express buy: Not possible to remove product from cart summary- Fix by ignore validation checks if no quantity field
- General: Make css generation consistent
- General: Express buy, fix issue with requires qty > 0 for all products
- General: Digital Asste Portal, On Assetinfo show metadata (IPTC, XMP and EXIF) correctly
- General: Url encoding links, urlencoding is only for querystring values. Fixing broken images when space is in files or folders
- General: js-product missing from productComponent slider items
- Itemtypes: ProductDefaultImage, add extra description on the setting show alternative image on hover
- Itemtypes: ProductAddToDownloadCart, improve debouncer time
- Itemtypes: ProductAddToCart, disable add to cart button, when a product is discontinued
- Itemtypes: Preferences, layout option is missing in DW10
- Itemtypes: Fix initslider on PageUpdater venter, so Article list on product detail page does not disappear after selecting variants
- Itemtypes: ProductListSortBy, Sort by ' relevance ' _score fix
[v1.26.3] - 14-05-2024
- Swift v1.26.3 requires DynamicWeb v9.17.4 or newer, requires the Shipmondo.dll version 2.0.0 or newer
- Swift v1.26.3 can also run on DynamicWeb v10.4.0 or newer, If Shipmondo is used, it requires Shipmondo.dll version 10.0.5 (which needs to be installed) or newer
- Cart: Rename GoToCheckoutButton in CartSummary
- Cart: OrderLineItem, set the value parameter to sum (price * quantity)
- Cart: OrderLineItem, fix Missing image
- Checkout: gtag events, begin_checkout, add_shipping_info , add_payment_info and purchase, fix unit price for
- Customer Center: OrderViewSearchList, Order state "Deleted" - filter IsDeleted
- General: PasswordReset in Extranet, improve userFound condition
- General: Slider arrow image mask, no-repeat on carousel.scss
- Itemtypes: Fix StepQty validation taking decimal numbers into account for FavoriteDetail, ExpressBuySearchResponse, ProductReplacement,RelatedProductsList, VariantSelector, OrderLineItem, Swift_ProductAddToCart, ProductAddToQuoteCart, ProductListCompactView, ProductListListView.
- Itemtypes: Off canvas navigation
- itemtypes: ProductDownloadPublication, Use productid + variantid for publication link
- Itemtypes: ProductAddToCart, Move favorite functinality outside of form
[v1.26.2] - 17-04-2024
- Swift v1.26.2 requires DynamicWeb v9.17.1 or newer, requires the newest Shipmondo.dll version 2.0.0
- Swift v1.26.2 can also run on DynamicWeb v10.1.0 or newer, requires the newest Shipmondo.dll version 10.0.5 (which needs to be installed)
- Email: Template errors on emails on DW10 - due to removal of Newtonsoft.Json from Dynamicweb.Core
- Itemtypes: Add to cart, disable add to cart, if variant exist and variant options are not selected
- Itemtypes: Add to cart, change label from ' Disable add to cart ' to ' Disable add to cart when no options selected '
- Itemtypes: Media gallery, show images in mobile view
- General: Get breakpoint radio buttons back on Master.xml missing on DW10
- General: Quote unify link redirect, when approving a quote
- General: Variant modal, quantity field is too small
- General: og:image fix file path so it is supported in DW10
[v1.26.1] - 09-04-2024
- Swift v1.26.1 requires DynamicWeb v9.17.1 or newer, requires the newest Shipmondo.dll version 2.0.0
- Swift v1.26.1 can also run on DynamicWeb v10.1.0 or newer, requires the newest Shipmondo.dll v10.0.5 (which needs to be installed)
- Checkout: Invalid voucher code message doesn't disappear in summary
- General: Using Custom (not Google) Font result Swift template error on DW10, fix null checks
- General: Searchfield change of what happens on Enter. Use Friendly standard url, for better url handeling
- Itemtypes: Poster with two Product link buttons does not appear
- Itemtypes: Video poster - Video is not rendered in DW10 - Use EscapeUriString instead of EscapeDataString
- Itemtypes: Product group grid is not available. Extend ParentItemTypeRestrictionRule to ProductDetails
- Itemtypes: ProductAddToCart, Never out of stock is false by default for non-stock type products
- Itemtypes: ExpressBuySearchResponse, Add to cart disabled state fix
- Itemtypes: ProductListCompactView, Add to cart disabled state fix
- Itemtypes: ProductListListView, Add to cart disable state fix
- Itemtypes: ProductAddToQuoteCart, add to cart disabled state fix
- Itemtypes: RelatedProductsList, Add to cart disabled state fix
- Itemtypes: ProductReplacement, Add to cart disabled state fix
- Product group grid: W3C - Trailing slash on void elements. Group grid, remove trailing slash
- Product group grid: Extra border between image and button area, fix grouptheme location
- System Email: Order Email - Improve EmailOrderlines null checks
System email - order receipt
Set up order receipt
- In Content / System Emails / Checkout Email / Order Confirmation Email . Publish Order Confirmation Email
- On edit paragraph Swift_EmailOrderlines go to App, select template from eCom / Order / Orderlines.cshtml (IMG 1 & IMG 2))
- On the order number section, remove the styling bold from {{Ecom:Order.ID}} (Since order number info disappear on mail) (IMG 3)
Select order receipt in checkout for Checkout user & Anonymous checkout
- In Content / Navigation / Utilities / Cart / Checkout user
- Edit checkout paragraph, go to App
- In section Notification e-mails, select Mail Content for Page (IMG 4)
- Select system Email / Checkout email / Order Confirmation Email page (IMG 4)
- Do the same steps for Anonymous checkout
Set up order receipt
Select order receipt in checkout for Checkout user & Anonymous checkout
[v1.26.0] - 05-03-2024
- Swift v1.26.0 requires DynamicWeb v9.17.1 or newer, requires the newest Shipmondo.dll version 2.0.0
- Swift v1.26.0 can also run on DynamicWeb v10.1.0 or newer
Database types
- Demo Database (Content setup + commerce data)
- Empty Database (Content setup, but no ecommerce data, great for starting new projects)
DynamicWeb proudly presents Swift 1.26.0 (Q1-2024), which runs on DW version 9.17.1. This introduce Consent mode V2, improved checkout and mini cart off-canvas etc. The main headlines for this release are:
Tracking & Analytics
Consent mode V2
Swift has implemented Consent mode V2. Google has introduced Consent mode v2, which allows business to adjust functionality of Google tags based on the user consent. This is used for ads and analytics.
If you want to continue using Google Advertisement products, then Consent mode V2 is need by Marts 2024.
Consent mode V2 is supported through Google Tag Manager
Swift has added these tags, which Consent mode V2 requires
- analytics_storage
- ad_storage
- ad_user_data
- ad_personalization
Better Product overview & checkout flow
Mini cart off-canvas
With the mini cart off-canvas you can show customers what they are buying without leaving the page that they're currently are on. It is a compact shopping cart that contains essential order details.
- In website settings you can decide if you want to enable mini off-canvas and decide it's behaviour
- In Content area under Swift tools / Service / Cart summary you need to ensure to link it to the proper pages: Cart, Checkout, Anonymouse checkout, Quote if they are not defined. Also check that the navigation tag 'CartSummary ' is set
Checkout and parcelshop with Shipmondo
Use parcel shop in checkout to let you customers decide when to pick their packages. The flow in checkout is improved when using Shipmondo parcel shop for both sign-in and anonymous users.
The parcel shop list can now be determind by the billing adresse or delivery adresse.
Requires the newest Shipmondo.dll version 2.0.0
When setting up your Shipping providers in Settings / Ecommerce /Orders / Shipping you need to ensure that these checkbox are not enabled. Since Swift ensures when the different information are submitted on the templates.
Do not enable
- Use customer address if specified
- Save parcel shop address in delivery address
Get an overview where Themes are used
Get an overview over where the specific themes are used on your website e.g. on pages, rows or paragraphs. This is useful to locate unused themes on the website, which can happen when experimenting with different colors on the website and need to clean up
Enhance your e-commerce data
Ecom menu related content
A new Mega menu design called MenuRelatedContent can showcase both ecommerce groups and its related content pages.
This allows you to link to campaign and article pages directly from the mega menu. This menu is good if you have many sub product groups.
Ecom menu group images
A new Mega menu design called MenuGroupImages gives a simple design, highlighting product group images and promotion. Focusing on the visual promotion.
Product information on your Product Detail Page
ProductFieldDisplayGroups & ProductFieldDisplayGroupsAccordion are replacements for Product Specifications
ProductFieldDisplayGroupsAccordion allows you to define layout for each display group accordion. Have different presentation of product data can be needed
Showcase the product groups
Showcase and highlight the product groups on the landing page or product list, with the product group grid.
The customer can easily navigate through the different product groups.
Related products using Product component slider
Use related products on the Product detail page to make customers aware of other available products. On Swift it is possible to use product components to build the related products. This allows you to decide, which information to show and align the design with your product list.
Furthermore, it is possible to decide, which of the related product groups should be shown on the section, when designing the product detail page.
Digital Assets Portal & Publications
- Publications was released end August 2023 - Read more here
- DynamicWeb Publications is a tool which allows you to create catalogue, data sheets, price lists through Visual Editor, based on the product information from PIM. Publications can be used with own frontend implementation or with a Swift frontend.
- If you are using the Publications concept, Swift has now made support for using it in e.g. Your commerce site or Digital Asset Portal by using ProductDownloadPublication button component on the Product Detail page, so it is possible to use the Publication design, selecting language and currency and get data sheet.
- You can also use it on the Download cart, when creating price list sheet of multiple products.
To use the Publication concept on Swift / DAP it requires a set up & a Publications License
Read the guide here
Swift compatible on DynamicWeb10
Swift had focus on rewriting the Swift templates removing several @ helper on the templates, since it was not compatible to .Net7
and using GetRawValue to improve performance.
- Swift v1.26.0 templates can run both on a DW9 and DW10 solution
- Bugfixes & latest feature releases will be available in Github
- Swift can now run on a DW10 without the 'template compatibility mode' on a DW10 solution
- No duplicate templates on DW10
If you have an existing Swift project v1.23.0 or on any previous versions you will meet more merge conflicts than usual when upgrading, which is expected for this Swift version. You should spend special attention to all your custom implementations as usual that are depended on our templates
General Improvements
- Static Variants with Color Swatches should allow change image on hover
- Employee Item type should have a RTE field
- Article list and Article page - enable 6 column row
- Getimage is used on background images for rows to improve performance
- ProductDetail - Showcase thumbnail for alternative images on the product detail page in different positions
- The Product specification template is removed and replaced with
ProductFieldDisplayGroups or ProductFieldDisplayGroupsAccordion
[v1.25.1] - 16-01-2024
Upgrading Swift 1.25.0 to 1.25.1 will improve website performance with CSS decoration on Row templates and Content paragraphs
- Swift v1.25.1 requires DynamicWeb v9.16.6 or newer
- Swift v1.25.1 can also run on DynamicWeb v10.0.27 or newer
Swift compatible on DynamicWeb10
- Itemtypes: Product lists - Use new GetRawValue for ProductComponentSlider, ProductDefaultImage, ProductListCompactView, ProductListGridView, ProductListListView, RelatedProductsList
- Itemtypes: GetRawValue fixes - EcommerceBadge, Product, ProductBadges, ProductDefaultImage, ProductDetailsGallery, ProductDetailsImage, ProductListCompactView, ProductListGridView, ProductListListView, RelatedProducts, RelatedProductsLis
- Itemtypes: GetRawValue + performance fixes on all Row templates and Content paragraphs ( Templates/Designs/Swift/Grid/Page/RowTemplates ) and ( /Templates/Designs/Swift/Paragraph ) ProductGroupSlider and Slider
- Itemtypes: Variantselector + delivery date GetRaw fixes
- Itemtypes: Autoplay interval and line height HTMLInput steps for ArticleList, Branding, ProductGroupSlider, Slider
- General: Make variant selector support master products _variantselector.js
- General: Add a check for product type of type stock before adding validating stockleves
- General: Use region info to find the name of the country and use country codes and not culture code pairs to set flags. Makes it possible to use different languages in the same country
- General: digital Assets Portal, change label from .png to .webp
- General: Login, Support for danish error messages
- Itemtypes: ProductBadges, improve labels
- Itemtypes: Product Groups slider - Make it align to top
- Itemtypes: Branding, Fix null reference issue
- Itemtypes: Megamenu items add proper space
- Itemtypes: FavoriteLists template issue
- Itemtypes: TextAdvanced, padding fix
- Itemtypes: RelatedProductsList, set ProductVariantIds correctly on load more button
- Itemtypes: Variant layout selector, fix xml format for ProductComponentSlider, ProductStaticVariants
- Itemtypes: Product, Improve how we set the badges list
- Itemtypes: Download cart supports only 1 language. Changed from checkboxlist to dropdown. Corrected on OrderListWidget, OrderViewSearchList, DownloadCart, ProductDownloadData
- Itemtypes: ProductGroupGrid, present product groups as a grid