Just have a basic of C plus plus,the reason I upload my code is to learn to use github while learning C plus plus.
================= update on Sep,1,2016 ================
Before view this repo,the first thing you should know is that the repo is not a project.
As the file name tells,it just contains some cpp programs,most of which are from "C++ Primer,5th".
In order to make everything more clear,I am trying to update a list of programs which are helpful and useful while I was learning.
- /code/L06 - KMeans.A course design of Data Structure which is implemented by cpp, it took me 1 week to finish it.But the final grade made me a little upset: I just got an "A-".Actually I think it deserves a higher rank: )
Here is a brief introduction of K-Means algorithm: K-Means clustering is a method of vector quantization, it aims to partition n observations into k clusters in which each observation belongs to cluster with the nearset mean.
================= update on Nov,15 2016 ================
2)/code/L08 IO/fileIO.A simple program which shows us how to pass parameters to the main() function.
3)code/L11 Associative Container/word_transform.A word-transform program.To get more details,go to the directory above,and you will find a help-document called "readme.md" there.
4)code/L12 Dynamic memory and Smart pointer/TextQuery.It is a practice of Class and Smart pointer from C++ primer.In this program,you can query a word from a file, the result returns all the lines the word appears and the content of the line. Again,to get more details,go to the directory above and read the "READMD.md" document.
5)code/L12 Dynamic memory and Smart pointer/StrBlob.A Vector-like program.Class StrBlob implements most of the functions,Class StrBlobPtr manages the memorys(through smart pointer).Here is a list of the function it implements(assume that sb,sb2 are both StrBlob objects):
- sb = {"a","bc","ddd"};//initializer_list
- sb.size(); //returns the size of str
- sb.empty();//check that if str is empty
- sb.push_back("larry"); //push "larry" into sb
- sb.pop_back(); //pop the top element
- sb2 = sb; //assignment
- sb.front(); //returns the first element of sb
- sb.back(); //returns the last element of sb
- eq(sb,sb1); //returns true if sb and sb1 are equal
- neq(sb,sb1); //returns false if not equal
================= update on Mar,12 2017 ================
6)code/L13 Copy Control/Folder/.A program which simulates a Folder-Manager.In this program,a Folder can "store" many messages,and a message can be stored in different folders.List below shows some functions it implements:
Message m1("content");
Folder f1,f2;
m1.save(f1); //m1 is saved in Folder 'f1'
m1.save(f2); //m1 is saved in Folder 'f2'
f1.save(Message("content2")); //Folder f1 saves a message named 'content2'
7)code/L13 Copy Control/String.A string-like program,here is the operations it supports:
- String s(String("larry")); //copy constructor
- String s1("Larry"); //constructor String(const char*)
- String s2 = s1; //copy assignment operator
- String s2(std::move(s1)); //move constructor
- String s2 = std::move(s1); //move assignment operator
- String s3(5,'n'); //constructor String(size_t,char) , s3 = 'nnnnn'
- s3 = "Larry"; //String& operator=(const char*);
- s3 = 'L'; //String& operator=(char);
8)code/L14 Overloaded operations and Conversions/Sales.A sales_book program.In this program,we overload some operators such as "+","-","=","==","!=","+=","<<",">>"...
Some interesting implements needs to be shown here. we overload "!=" operator through "==" operator, we overload "+" operator through "+=" operator
Another case we need to be aware of is "self_assignment",which should be noticed to avoid memeory-leak(perhaps...)
Sales_data book;
book = book;
9)code/L15 Object-Oriented Programming/Basket_main/. In the program,we implement inheritance.class Quote is the base class,while Disc_Quote,Bulk_Quote,Lim_Quote are classes inherited by Quote. To implement dynamic-binding,we use virtual-function. To avoid memory-leak,we use virtual destructor. To manage memory by an "elegant way",we use smart pointer.
10)code/L15 Object-Oriented Programming/wordQueryTest. A program that could read a file to search speicfied words.
11)code/L16 Templates and Generic Programming/Vector.A vector-like program implemented through template.Here are the operations it supports:
- Vector < string > handsome; //template
- v.push_back("larry"); //push larry into handsome
- v.size(); //return the size of v,which shows the number of elements it holds
- v.capacity(); //return the capacity of v,it's always greater or equal than v.size(),if v.size() equals to v.capacity(),than reallocate v
- v = {"Larry","is","handsome"}; //implemented by initializer_list
- Vector< string > handsome1(handsome); //copy-constructor
- Vector< string > handome1 = handsome; //copy assignment operator
- v[0]; //implemented by overload '[]' operator