DucksManager is a free and open-source website enabling comic book collectors to manage their Disney collection.
Related projects :
- WhatTheDuck is the mobile app of DucksManager, allowing users to check the contents of their collection on a mobile and add issues to the collection by photographing comic book covers.
- EdgeCreator is a project allowing users to upload photos of edges and create models out of them in order to generate edge pictures.
- Duck cover ID is a collection of shell scripts launched by a daily cronjob, allowing to retrieve comic book covers from the Inducks website and add the features of these pictures to a Pastec index. This index is searched whn taking a picture of a cover in the WhatTheDuck app.
- COA updater is a shell script launched by a daily cronjob, allowing to retrieve the structure and the contents of the Inducks database and to create a copy of this database locally.
- DucksManager-stats contains a list of scripts launched by a daily cronjob, allowing to calculate statistics about issues that are recommended to users on DucksManager, depending on the authors that they prefer.
- dm-server was the back-end that DucksManager and What The Duck versions under version 3.0 used to read and write data from/to. This is now handled by the DucksManager API.