Extension that converts Web Novels (and other web pages) into an EPUB for offline reading.
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© 2015 David Teviotdale
WebToEpub is a browser extension for Firefox and Chrome that converts web novels and other web pages into EPUB format. It supports a wide range of websites, including:
- Baka-Tsuki.org
- ArchiveOfOurOwn.org
- FanFiction.net
- Wuxiaworld.com
- Royalroad.com and many more...
Last we checked, the following sites were known to work
- 230book.net
- 38xs.com
- 4ksw.com
- 888novel.com
- 88xiaoshuo.net
- 8muses.com
- a-t.nu
- aerialrain.com
- akknovel.com
- all-novelfull.net
- allnovel.org
- allnovelbin.net
- allnovelbook.com
- allnovelfull.app
- allnovelfull.com
- allnovelfull.net
- allnovelfull.org
- allnovelnext.com
- alphapolis.co.jp
- alternatehistory.com
- amor-yaoi.com
- anythingnovel.com
- arcanetranslations.com
- archiveofourown.org
- asianfanfics.com
- asianhobbyist.com
- asianovel.net
- asstr.org
- babelnovel.com
- baka-tsuki.org
- bakapervert.wordpress.com
- bednovel.com
- bestlightnovel.com
- betwixtedbutterfly.com
- bnatranslations.com
- book18.org
- bookalb.com
- bookswithqianya.com
- botitranslation.com
- boxnovel.net
- boxnovel.org
- boxnovelfull.com
- boylove.cc
- bqka.cc
- cangji.net
- cclawtranslations.home.blog
- chaleuria.com
- chichipeph.com
- chickengege.org
- chinesewuxia.world
- chrysanthemumgarden.com
- chyoa.com
- ckandawrites.online
- comics.8muses.com
- comrademao.com
- coronatranslation.com
- creativenovels.com
- crimsonmagic.me
- crimsontranslations.com
- cyborg-tl.com
- czbooks.net
- daotranslate.com
- daotranslate.us
- dark-novels.ru
- deviantart.com
- dummynovels.com
- edanglarstranslations.com
- engnovel.com
- erofus.com
- exiledrebelsscanlations.com
- faloomtl.com
- fanfiction.com.br
- fanfiction.mugglenet.com
- fanfiction.net
- fanmtl.com
- fannovel.com
- fannovels.com
- fansmtl.com
- fastnovel.net
- ffxs8.com
- fictionhunt.com
- fictionmania.tv
- fictionpress.com
- fictionzone.net
- ficwad.com
- fimfiction.net
- finestories.com
- flying-lines.com
- forum.questionablequesting.com
- forums.nrvnqsr.com
- forums.spacebattles.com
- forums.sufficientvelocity.com
- foxteller.com
- freelightnovel.net
- freenovelsread.com
- freewebnovel.com
- freewn.com
- frostfire10.wordpress.com
- fullnovel.co
- gamefaqs.gamespot.com
- genesistls.com
- genesistudio.com
- goblinsguide.com
- graverobbertl.site
- gravitynovels.com
- gravitytales.com
- gunnerkrigg.com
- gutenberg.spiegel.de
- helheimscans.com
- hellping.org
- hentai-foundry.com
- hiscension.com
- hostednovel.com
- hoxionia.com
- hui3r.wordpress.com
- idleturtle-translations.com
- idnovel.my.id
- imgur.com
- indomtl.com
- indowebnovel.id
- inkitt.com
- innnovel.com
- inoveltranslation.com
- isekaicyborg.wordpress.com
- isekaiscan.com
- isotls.com
- jade-rabbit.net
- japtem.com
- jjwxc.net
- jobnib.com
- jonaxxstories.com
- jpmtl.com
- kakuyomu.jp
- kaystls.site
- kemono.su
- knoxt.space
- kobatochan.com
- krytykal.org
- lazygirltranslations.com
- liberspark.com
- libread.com
- libri7.com
- lightnovelbastion.com
- lightnovelbox.com
- lightnovelcave.com
- lightnovelfr.com
- lightnovelpub.com
- lightnovelpub.fan
- lightnovelread.com
- lightnovelreader.org
- lightnovels.live
- lightnovels.me
- lightnovelstranslations.com
- lightnovelworld.co
- lightnovelworld.com
- lightsnovel.com
- listnovel.com
- literotica.com
- lnmtl.com
- lnreader.org
- m.88xiaoshuo.net
- m.bqg225.com
- m.chinesefantasynovels.com
- m.freelightnovel.net
- m.gzbpi.com
- m.metanovel.org
- m.mywuxiaworld.com
- m.novelspread.com
- m.qqxs.vip
- m.tapas.io
- m.wuxiaworld.co
- m.xklxsw.net
- machine-translation.org
- madnovel.com
- magic.wizards.com
- mandarinducktales.com
- mangabob.com
- mangadex.org
- mangahere.cc
- mangakakalot.com
- mangallama.com
- manganelo.com
- manganov.com
- mangaread.co
- mangasushi.net
- manhwaden.com
- manhwatop.com
- marx2mao.com
- mayanovel.com
- mcstories.com
- meionovel.id
- midnightrambles.in
- moonbunnycafe.com
- moonlightnovel.com
- moonquill.com
- morenovel.net
- mtlarchive.com
- mtled-novels.com
- mtlnation.com
- mtlnovel.com
- mtlreader.com
- mtnovel.net
- myxls.net
- nanomashin.online
- ncode.syosetu.com
- nightcomic.com
- noblemtl.com
- novel-bin.com
- novel-bin.net
- novel-bin.org
- novel-next.com
- novel.babelchain.org
- novel.naver.com
- novel18.syosetu.com
- novel35.com
- novelactive.org
- novelall.com
- novelbin.com
- novelbin.me
- novelbin.net
- novelbuddy.com
- novelbuddy.io
- novelcool.com
- novelcranel.org
- novelcrush.com
- novelebook.net
- novelfever.com
- novelfire.docsachhay.net
- novelfull.com
- novelfull.net
- novelfullbook.com
- novelgate.net
- novelgo.id
- novelgreat.net
- novelhall.com
- novelhi.com
- novelhold.com
- novelhulk.net
- novellive.app
- novellive.com
- novellive.net
- novelmania.com.br
- novelmao.com
- novelmax.net
- novelmedium.com
- novelmt.com
- novelmtl.com
- novelnext.com
- novelnext.dramanovels.io
- novelnext.net
- novelnextz.com
- novelonlinefree.com
- novelonlinefree.info
- novelonlinefull.com
- novelonomicon.com
- novelpassion.com
- novelplex.org
- novelpub.com
- novels.pl
- novelsect.com
- novelsemperor.com
- novelsemperor.net
- novelsknight.com
- novelsparadise.net
- novelspread.com
- novelsrock.com
- noveltoon.mobi
- noveltop1.org
- noveltranslatedbyc.blogspot.com
- noveltrench.com
- noveltrust.net
- noveluniverse.com
- novelupdates.cc
- novelupdates.online
- novelusb.com
- novelusb.net
- novelversetranslations.com
- novelxo.net
- novicetranslations.com
- ntruyen.vn
- nyantl.wordpress.com
- octopii.co
- onlinenovelbook.com
- ontimestory.eu
- ossantl.com
- panda-novel.com
- pandamtl.com
- pandapama.com
- pandasnovel.com
- patreon.com
- pawread.com
- peachblossomcodex.com
- peachpitting.com
- peachpuff.in
- pery.info
- piaotia.com
- puretl.com
- qinxiaoshuo.com
- quanben.io
- quanben5.io
- questionablequesting.com
- quotev.com
- raeitranslations.com
- rainingtl.org
- rainofsnow.com
- raisingthedead.ninja
- ranobes.net
- ranobes.top
- re-library.com
- readcomiconline.li
- reader-hub.com
- readfreebooksonline.org
- readhive.org
- readlightnovel.cc
- readlightnovel.me
- readlightnovel.meme
- readlightnovel.org
- readlightnovel.today
- readlitenovel.com
- readnoveldaily.com
- readnovelfull.com
- readnovelfull.me
- readnovelfull.org
- readwebnovel.xyz
- readwn.com
- readwn.org
- rebirth.online
- reddit.com
- royalroad.com
- royalroadl.com
- rtd.moe
- rtenzo.net
- rubymaybetranslations.com
- scifistories.com
- scribblehub.com
- secondlifetranslations.com
- semprot.com
- sexstories.com
- shalvationtranslations.wordpress.com
- shanghaifantasy.com
- shikkakutranslations.org
- shinsori.com
- shintranslations.com
- shirokuns.com
- shmtranslations.com
- shubaow.net
- shubaowb.com
- shw5.cc
- sites.google.com
- sj.uukanshu.com
- sjks88.com
- skydemonorder.com
- skythewoodtl.com
- snowycodex.com
- sonako.fandom.com
- sonako.wikia.com
- sousetsuka.com
- soverse.com
- spiritfanfiction.com
- sspai.com
- starlightstream.net
- sto.cx
- storiesonline.net
- storyseedling.com
- sweek.com
- systemtranslation.com
- taffygirl13.wordpress.com
- tamagotl.com
- taonovel.com
- tapas.io
- tapread.com
- teanovel.com
- teanovel.net
- teenfic.net
- thenovelbin.org
- tigertranslations.org
- timotxt.com
- titannovel.net
- tl.rulate.ru
- tomotranslations.com
- topnovelfull.com
- translationchicken.com
- travistranslations.com
- truyenfull.vn
- truyenyy.com
- trxs.me
- ultimaguil.org
- universalnovel.com
- unlimitednovelfailures.mangamatters.com
- untamedalley.com
- veratales.com
- vipnovel.com
- volarenovels.com
- wanderertl130.id
- wanderinginn.com
- watashiwasugoidesu.com
- wattpad.com
- webnovel.com
- webnovel.live
- webnovelonline.com
- webnovelpub.com
- webnovelpub.pro
- wenku8.net
- wfxs.tw
- whitemoonlightnovels.com
- wnmtl.com
- wnmtl.org
- woopread.com
- wordexcerpt.com
- worldnovel.online
- wtr-lab.com
- wuxia-world.online
- wuxia.blog
- wuxia.city
- wuxia.click
- wuxiabee.com
- wuxiabee.net
- wuxiabee.org
- wuxiafox.com
- wuxiago.com
- wuxiahere.com
- wuxiahub.com
- wuxiamtl.com
- wuxiaone.com
- wuxiap.com
- wuxiapub.com
- wuxiar.com
- wuxiaspot.com
- wuxiau.com
- wuxiaworld.co
- wuxiaworld.com
- wuxiaworld.eu
- wuxiaworld.live
- wuxiaworld.online
- wuxiaworld.site
- wuxiaworld.world
- wuxiazone.com
- wxscs.com
- xbiquge.so
- xiaoshuogui.com
- xiaxuenovels.xyz
- yoraikun.wordpress.com
- yushubo.net
- zenithnovels.com
- zeonic-republic.net
- zhenhunxiaoshuo.com
- zinnovel.net
- zirusmusings.com
- Node.js
- eslint
- zip.js
- @xmldom/xmldom
- copyfiles
- quint
Open Firefox and visit WebToEpub on Firefox Add-ons.
The easiest set of steps is using Firefox.
- Download prebuilt Firefox version of extension from https://github.com/dteviot/WebToEpub/releases/tag/developer-build.
- Open Firefox and type "about:debugging#/runtime/this-firefox" into the URL bar.
- Click "Load Temporary Add-on".
- Click on the zip file you downloaded in step 1.
Open Chrome (or any Chromium-based browser like Edge, Opera, etc.) and go to WebToEpub on Chrome Web Store.
- Download prebuilt Chrome version of extension from https://github.com/dteviot/WebToEpub/releases/tag/developer-build.
- Unpack zip file
- Open Chrome and type "chrome://extensions" into the browser.
- Make sure "Developer Mode" at the top of the page is checked.
- Press the "Load unpacked extension.." button and browse to unpacked zip directory from step 2.
Clone this repo.
git clone https://github.com/dteviot/WebToEpub.git
Build extension.
- Install Node.js (if not already installed)
- Run
npm install
to install dependencies - Run
npm run lint
to build plugin and lint - This will produce 3 files in the eslint directory.
- WebToEpub0.0.0.x.xpi (Firefox version of plug-in)
- WebToEpub0.0.0.x.zip (Chrome version of plug-in)
- packed.js
- Lint tests are OK if output ends with
Wrote Zip to disk; Done in XXXs.
Install extension in browser of choice, using instructions above.
See notes for more information.
- Caution I have not (and do not test) on Android. I've been told the following work, but I can't guarantee them.
- Get yourself
Kiwi browser
,Yandex browser
, orFirefox
. - Install from Chrome web store for Kiwi and Yandex, or from Mozilla add-ons for Firefox.
- Browse to a Baka-Tsuki web page that has the full text of a story.
- Click on the WebToEpub icon on top right of the window.
- Check story details are correct.
- Select image to use for cover.
- Click the "Pack EPUB" button.
- Wait for progress bar to finish (indicating the images being downloaded) and the generated EPUB to be placed in your downloads directory.
- Browse to first chapter of story you want.
- Click on the WebToEpub icon on top right of the window.
- Check story details are correct.
- Click the "Pack EPUB" button.
- Wait for progress bar to finish (indicating the additional chapters are being downloaded) and the generated EPUB to be placed in your downloads directory.
See: https://github.com/dteviot/WebToEpub/wiki/FAQ#how-to-convert-a-new-site-using-the-default-parser
For details on how to extend, see the following
- https://github.com/dteviot/WebToEpub/wiki/FAQ#how-to-write-a-new-parser
- http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/1060680/Web-to-EPUB-Extension-for-Chrome.
Read CONTRIBUTING.md first.
Contributions are what make the open source community such an amazing place to learn, inspire, and create. Any contributions you make are greatly appreciated.
If you have a suggestion that would make this better, please fork the repo and create a pull request. You can also simply open an issue with the tag "enhancement". Don't forget to give the project a star! Thanks again!
- Fork the Project
- Create your Feature Branch (
git checkout -b feature/AmazingFeature
) - Commit your Changes (
git commit -m 'Add some AmazingFeature'
) - Push to the Branch (
git push origin feature/AmazingFeature
) - Open a Pull Request
- Firefox port by Markus Vieth
- Michael Fox (Belldandu)
- typhoon71
- toshiya44
- dreamer2908
- Parser for German Project Gutenberg by GallusMax
- Hogesyx
- Asif Mahmood
- snnsnn
- Sergii Pravdzivyi
- Aurimas Niekis
- Tom Goetz
- Alen Toma (css styling)
- JimmXinu
- gamebeaker (additional metadata, Library)
- Kondeeza
- Mathnerd314
- Sickan90
- Miracutor
- Kiradien
- Synteresis
- Lej77
- nandakishore2009 (Parsers for madnovel.com, www.panda-novel.com)
- courli79
- Dimava
- alethiophile
- Yoanhg421
- Leone Jacob Sunil (ImLJS)
- xRahul
- Oleksii Taranenko
- Naheulf
- perishableloc
- praschke
- ImmortalDreamer
- ktrin
- nozwock
- Tyderion
- Darthagnon
- LucasFreitaslpf1
- Jemeni11
- maforn
- phazei
- rizkiv1
Licensed under GPLv3. See LICENSE for more information.
WebToEpub uses the following libraries:
- zip.js library v2.7.57: https://github.com/gildas-lormeau/zip.js, licensed under BSD 3-Clause.
- quint: http://qunitjs.com/, licensed under MIT license.
David Teviotdale - @dteviot
Project Link: https://github.com/dteviot/WebToEpub
- Install Node.js (if not already installed)
- Run
npm install
to install dependencies - Run
npm test
- Tests will be launched in your default browser. To open them in different browser, open the page URL in it.
- If you are not trying to run unit tests in
folder, you do not need this- If you can use nodejs, see previous paragraph instead
- If you can not install nodejs or http-server is not working when you run
npm test
, and you have no alternative ways to serve files (like chrome Web Server app for example), you have to allow browser to run local html files to run tests.
- Close all running copies of Chrome
- Start Chrome with command line argument
. That is:
- Open a command propmt
- Browse to the directory holding Chrome
- Type in command
chrome.exe --allow-file-access-from-files
. Press "Enter".- If you don't do this, some tests will fail with error messages containing the text Failed to execute 'send' on 'XMLHttpRequest': Failed to load.
- Load
- If you get Failed to read the 'localStorage' property from 'Window': Access is denied for this document errors
- Type chrome://settings/content into Chrome's search bar
- Uncheck Block third-party cookies and site data
- Click Finished
- Re-run unit tests
- When finished with unit tests.
- Restore original value of Block third-party cookies and site data (if you changed it).
- close all running copies of Chrome
- Start Firefox
- Go to
- Find
parameter- Set it to false
- Load
- (Remember to reset
to true when done.