Hi 👋 I am a computer graphics engineer, teacher and gameplay programmer at Ubisoft Paris
Graduated from IMAC engineering school
- 🕹️ Working at Ubisoft Paris as gameplay programmer
- 💻 Teacher of C++ programming at IMAC school
- 🦀 Learning Rust by doing some fun projects
Interested in
- 🔨 Software architecture & engineering
- 🖼️ Computer graphics
- 🎨 Generative art (Shader toy)
- 📷 Photography (@enguerrand_desmet)
- ⚙️ Procedural things
I love
- 🎁 Sharing knowledge
- 🛞 OneWheel
- 🎪 Jungling
I also help a friend create the project CoolLibs by doing some R&D around rayMarching.
This ReadMe uses custom repo cards made by Anurag Hazra