Template based on the RDA DMP Common Standard (DCS) for machine-actionable Data Management Plans and the provided JSON schema for machine-actionable DMPs. It also uses the DCS Ontology to allow export in RDF.
This template is available through DSW Registry.
This document template for DSW is available as open-source via GitHub Repository ds-wizard/madmp-template, you can report issues there and fork it for customisations or contributions.
- Marek Suchánek <marek.suchanek@ds-wizard.org>
- ORCID: 0000-0001-7525-9218
- GitHub: @MarekSuchanek
- Kryštof Komanec <krystof.komanec@ds-wizard.org>
- ORCID: 0000-0003-3856-1682
- GitHub: @krystofkomanec
- Jana Martínková <jana.martinkova@ds-wizard.org>
- ORCID: 0000-0001-8575-6533
- GitHub: @jmartinkova
- Improved Authors of the DMP
- Adjusted to template metamodel version 16 (released in DSW 4.13.0)
- Adjusted to template metamodel version 15 (released in DSW 4.12.0)
- Adjusted to template metamodel version 14 (released in DSW 4.10.0)
- Fix costs in project: typo in dcso prefix and endings of elements
- Add costs in project
- Adjusted to template metamodel version 13 (released in DSW 4.3.0)
- Adjusted to template metamodel version 12 (released in DSW 4.1.0)
- Adjusted to template metamodel version 11 (released in DSW 3.20.0)
- Fix defaults to prevent failure "Object of type Undefined is not JSON serializable"
- Adjusted to template metamodel version 9 (released in DSW 3.10.0)
- Compatible with
- Adjusted to template metamodel version 8 (released in DSW 3.8.0)
- Adjusted to template metamodel version 7 (released in DSW 3.7.0)
- Adjusted to template metamodel version 6 (released in DSW 3.6.0)
- Adjusted to template metamodel version 5 (released in DSW 3.5.0)
- Added support for Turtle export without Blank nodes
- Adjusted to template metamodel version 4 (released in DSW 3.2.0)
- Adjusted to template metamodel version 3 (released in DSW 2.12.0)
- Fix licenses in RDF formats
- Fix problem with failing on missing Grant ID
- Fix ethical issues with non-reference datasets
- Compatible with
- Added data steward contributor role
- Updated according to RDA DMP Common Standard v1.1
- Adjusted to template metamodel version 2
- Allow
and higher
- Initial version based on results of RDA hackathon on maDMPs 2020
- Compatible with DCS JSON Schema 1.0 and DCSO 3.0.2