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Findings and HowTo Fix them

Dirk Wetter edited this page Nov 22, 2019 · 8 revisions

Small Debugging HowTo

Extended debugging output

Two options here:

  • Run the whole script with --debug=<number> --log. Then tar -cvzf mydebug.tgz /tmp/ssltester.<randomstring> <nameoflogfile>
  • Run the section where the problem is (see --help): script -c "bash -vx optionfortherightsection>"

For <number> see man page.

Debug yourself

  1. YMMV

2a) For a full debug output

  • (all-in-one output): run script -a mydebug.script -c "SETX=true bash -x <CMDLINE>"
  • (separate debugging file): or run "bash -x " and look for last file in /tmp/testssl.s-XXXX.log

2b) spot the section where the bug is

  • edit the script and put after the section an exit 0
  • switch on debugging either by
    • editing the program and add before a set -x, run the section of the script
    • run the script with bash -x <<optionfortherightsection>>
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