Dreaw-Entity-Component-Systems in short decs it is archetype based ECS library written in C++ 20.
To start using decs, copy the decs folder to your project and include the header file decs.h.
All entites and components are stored in class decs::Container.
Component classes do not need to inherit from any class. Base types like int, float etc. (except bool) can also be components.
By default components stored in decs::Container do not have stable memory addresses, but it can be enforced by using template decs::stable< ComponentType > instead of only ComponentType.
class Component1
float X = 0;
float Y = 0;
Component1(const float& x, const float& y);
class Component2
float X = 0;
float Y = 0;
Component2(const float& x, const float& y);
int main()
decs::Container container = {};
decs::Entity entity1 = container.CreateEntity();
// using entity member function :
Component1* c1 = entity1.AddComponent<Component1>(1.f,2.f);
Component2* c2 = entity1.AddComponent<decs::stable<Component2>>(3.f,4.f);
return 0;
Like in most of ecs systems, in decs entity can have only one component of given type. If component of the same type will be added twice AddComponent function will return pointer to component created earlier.
decs::Entity class is represented by ID and reference to decs::Container in which was created.
Entites can also be spawned which is a little faster than creating them by regular method. To spawn entity you need to use one of Spawn() methods from decs::Container class.
Entity Spawn(const Entity& prefab, bool isActive = true);
bool Spawn(
const Entity& prefab,
std::vector<Entity*>& spawnedEntities,
uint64_t spawnCount,
bool areActive = true
bool Spawn(const Entity& prefab, uint64_t spawnCount, bool areActive = true);
As prefab parameter can be used entity from any decs::Container.
Entities can also be activated or deactivated. Deactivated entities will not be iterated. Activating and deactivating is performed by functions:
decs::Container container = {};
decs::Entity entity = container.CreateEntity();
bool isActive = entity.IsActive();
decs::Query<typename... Components> object serves to iterating over entities. It has 3 methods for iteration:
// Iterates over entities in archetypes from first to last
template<typename Callable
Query::ForEach(Callable&& func);
// Iterates over entities in archetypes form last to first
template<typename Callable
Query::ForEachBackward(Callable&& func);
// Iterates over entities in archetypes form last to first
template<typename Callable
Query::ForEachSafe(Callable&& func);
decs::Container container = {};
// this query can iterate over all entities which contains components passed as template parameters
decs::Query<Component1, decs::stable<Component2>> query = { container };
query.ForEach([](Component1& c1, Component2& c2)
// doing stuff with components
// if during iteration entity reference is needed, decs::Entity can be placed as first parameter of passed callable to ForEach function
query.ForEach([](decs::Entity& e, Component1& c1, Component2& c2)
// doing stuff with components and entity
It is also possible to query for more complex queries by using the member methods of the decs::Query class:
template<typename... ComponentsTypes>
Query& Without(); // Entities in query will not have all components from ComponetsTypes parameters list
template<typename... ComponentsTypes>
Query& WithAnyFrom(); // Entities in query will have at least one of component from ComponentTypes parameters list
template<typename... ComponentsTypes>
Query& With(); // Entities in query will have all components from ComponentTypes parameters list
Creating Query with this methods can look like:
decs::Query<Component1, decs::stable<Component2>, Component3> query = { container };
query.Without<Component4, Component5>().WithAnyFrom<Component6, Component7>().With<Component8, Component9>();
query.ForEach([](Component1& c1, Component2& c2, Component3& c3)
// doing stuff with components
query.ForEach([](decs::Entity& e, Component1& c1, Component2& c2, Component3& c3)
// doing stuff with components and entity
Query can be used to iterate from multiple threads. To be able to iterate from multiple threads, first we need create batch iterators from Query with method:
void CreateBatchIterators(std::vector<BatchIterator>& iterators, uint64_t desiredBatchesCount, uint64_t minBatchSize);
- desiredBatchesCount - number of maximum batch iterators which can be created for this query
- minBatchSize is minimal number of enttites in each iterator.
If number of entities in query is less than desiredBatchesCount * minBatchSize then function will generate smaller number of iterators witch will contain max minBatchSize count of entities.
using QueryType = decs::Query<Component1>;
QueryType query = { container };
std::vector<QueryType::BatchIterator> iterators;
query.CreateBatchIterators(iterators, 1000, 8);
for (auto& it : iterators)
it.ForEach(lambda); // can be called from diffrent threads
During iteration over Query::BatchIterator with ForEach method, the same rules applay as when iterating with ForEachForward method of Query class.