Slides for the online BIOS 524 Biostatistical Computing course, R part. Previous version for in person teaching is available at BIOS-524 2023 website
- 10_Getting_started - R overview, installation, getting help
- 11_RStudio - RStudio installation, interface, settings, help
- 12_Functions_packages - working with functions and packages in R
- 13_Data - loading and saving data in R
- 21_R_basics - variables, assignment operator, matrices, variable types, factors, conditional and logical operators, helper functions
- 22_R_data_frames - data frames, subsetting, helper functions. Lists, accessing elements
- 23_R_basics - summary statistics, if-else statements, loops, apply family of functions
- 23_Text - working with text data, concatenation, regular expressions, pattern substitution, string formatting, stringr package
- 24_R_graphics - base R graphics, common plot functions, saving plots, base graphics cheatsheet
- 31_Unix - Introduction to Unix and command line, navigating file system, working with files
51_RMarkdown - Introduction to RMarkdown, text formatting, tables, images, document settings using YAML
52_Bibliography - Reference management with BibTex, formatting references in RMarkdown
53_MathJax - formula formatting with MathJax and including them in RMarkdown
- 61_Tidyverse_dplyr - Tidyverse packages, principles of tidy data, reading data, tibbles substituting data frames, wide/long data format, data manipulation with dplyr, the pipe operator
- 71_Tidyverse_ggplot2 - Anscombe's quartet, grammar of graphics, ggplot2 syntax and basic components (data, aesthetics, geometries), splitting plots, visual themes, saving plots, graphics editors
81_Packages - creating functions and R packages. Arguments, recursive functions. Package's building blocks, DESCRIPTION
82_Packages - documenting your package with roxygen2, NAMESPACE file, vignettes, building and debugging your package, including datasets
83_Optimization_best_practices - timing and optimizing code, parallelization, code profiling
Online Course Development Expectations for Faculty Developers,
Curriculum Development 6-Months Instructional Design Process,
SAS OnDemand Academics,
SAS video tutorials,
- SAS® 9.4 Cert Prep: Part 01 SAS Programming Essentials
- SAS® 9.4 Cert Prep: Part 02 Accessing Data
- SAS® 9.4 Cert Prep: Part 03 Exploring and Validating Data