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Chrome Bookmarks JSON

Allows you to import bookmarks into a specific folder.


The original idea is that projects should include a bookmarks.json file as part of source code. The bookmarks can be important links within the app, documentation, or anything that is useful to consumers. This allows everyone to share the same set of bookmarks and keep them versioned and up to date.

This extension is general purpose though and could be used to just share "chunks" of bookmarks as JSON.

Local Development

You can develop locally via Docker.


This will start a Bash session inside a container with dependencies installed and the local source code mounted as a volume.

You can immediately run commands from this prompt. As an example try running:

npm run build

You can edit code on your local machine and re-run the command above (or any other command). The intent is to edit code from your local machine and operate on the code from within the container (compile etc.).

When you are done you can exit the container with ctrl + d.

Building and Installing (as a Chrome extension)

  1. ./scripts/dev npm run build - build code into ./dist dir
  2. Open Chrome and go to chrome://extensions/
  3. Check the "Developer Mode" checkbox in the top right
  4. Click the "Load unpacked extension" button
  5. Select the ./dist directory created in step 1

See Load an unpacked extension for more details.


The plugin accepts json data representing your bookmarks:

    "title": "bookmark",
    "url": ""
}, {
    "title": "folder",
    "children": [
        { "title": "child-bookmark", "url": "" }

Basically, a folder is a title and children and a bookmark is a title and url. You can nest these arbitrarily deep.

Development without Docker

If you prefer to develop "on the metal" I would recommend using NVM.

  1. Install nvm
  2. nvm use
  3. npm install


  • Use Zod to validate user provided JSON
  • Build for browsers other than Chrome


Chrome extension to import bookmarks from a JSON file






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