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Welcome to .vanilla Framework

Wanna run your VisualBasic.NET application in a browser? Please follow this quick hello world example:

First you should have a VisualBasic.NET project for compile into WebAssembly. You can create a standard vbproj in VisualStudio and should target .NET Framework 4.0 at least, and then copy this HelloWorld demo, and then save it.

' A WebAssembly application should contains one code module at least.
Module Demo

    ''' <summary>
    ''' Imports a external api function from javascript runtime
    ''' </summary>
    ''' <param name="text">The text message for display on the webbrowser debugger console</param>
    ''' <returns></returns>
    Declare Function Print Lib "console" Alias "log" (text As String) As Integer

    ''' <summary>
    ''' Write the app logic code in any function, and then mark it Public 
    ''' Then this public function will be export from your WebAssembly to 
    ''' javascript runtime.
    ''' </summary>
    ''' <returns></returns>
    Public Function HelloWorld() As Integer 
        Call Print("Hello World!")
        Return 0
    End Function

End Module

Now, you can compile your VisualBasic.NET application for target WebAssembly platform, by use vanilla compiler:

# compile your project in the commandline
# and you should add the vanilla folder to your path environment variables.
vanilla "/path/to/app.vbproj"

Just simply enough! Finally, add script reference to visualbasic.wasm.js in your web application, and then using this loader javascript code to run your VisualBasic.NET application in web browser or nodejs environment:

var assmUrl = "vbscript/HelloWorld.wasm";

vanilla.Wasm.RunAssembly(assmUrl, {
    // run app from a public method which its name is
    // HelloWorld or something else
    run: VB => VB.HelloWorld(),
    // some build-in javascript api that expose to VB.NET application
    api: { console: true },
    // Other javascript api expose to VB.NET application, like jquery, bootstrap, etc
    imports: {}

Hit F12 on your keyboard to open developer console of your web browser, then you will see the Hello World! message from your VB.NET application.


Read these documents for help yourself build your first VisualBasic.NET WebAssembly application:

Documents about how to develop Vanilla compiler:


These demo shows you how to programming in VB.NET for WebAssembly:

Release Notes

Find changes and update content of the runtime at this document:

Vanilla Release Note