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Testing for the WRF-Hydro Model (and National Water Model)

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Table of Contents

1. wrf_hydro_tests: Testing for the WRF-Hydro model.

1.1 Why?

Why test the WRF-Hydro model?

Test for your sanity and efficiency. Develop faster and with more confidence:

  1. Protect production code.
  2. Check that your development preserves key, tested requirements of the model (dont let someone else find your bugs). Distribute responsibilty for not breaking the code to the indivudal developers.
  3. Find bugs faster and when they occur, not after many more merges.
  4. Continuous integration (CI) and periodic integration: Core hours are much cheaper than person hours. Run automated checks of the code as frequently as necessary to reduce wasted person time.
  5. Reproducibility/communication: Just communicating about tests is complicated because there are literally about a hundred moving parts. Defining, managing, and logging the moving parts allows two (or more) developers to reduce barriers to being on the same page and collaboratively managing bugs and feature development.
  6. Benchmarking and regression: The vast majority of code development does not involve changing the answers. For these cases, regression testing helps developers implement code changes with confidence. When development does change the answers, this development should be isolated as possible (in terms of changes to the code) and the effects should be well-documented, or "benchmarked". The testing framework places an emphasis on benchmarking answer-changing development on upstream repository.
  7. Probably more reasons....

1.2 What ?

What is wrf wrf_hydro_tests?

The wrf_hydro_tests software is the code for testing the WRF-Hydro model and the National Water Model instance of WRF-Hydro.

The testing code base is under active development. That means that it is evolving and it can evolve to meet your needs if you become involved.


  • Testing of the offline WRF-Hydro model only.
  • Engineering tests are limited to the fundamentals, but will expand with increased community usage.
  • The system is used for on-demand, CI (ising CircleCI), and periodic testing.
  • There is flexibilty for users to develop their own custom tests and questions (covered in the Advanced Usage section).
  • Users are encouraged to develop tests that can be used by others.
  • The full set of required features has not yet been implemented (covered in the "Deficiencies, on-going, & future work" section").

Please direct all bug reports and feature requests to the github issues for the wrf_hydro_tests repo. If you begin development on features yourself, please still log a feature request so that the development is coordinated. (See

1.3 When ?

When should I test?

Test with every compile. Using selected toy domains, testing with each compile results in minimal added overhead. This can be termed "testing for the price of compiling." The wrf_hydro_tests function take_test should replace your compile step. Except for cases when compiling is the focus of the development activity, this IS the way for developers to compile: compile + test. Tests can also be easily customized by developers to focus only on certain aspects of the testing with each compile (covered in Advanced Usage.)

1.4 Where ?

Where should I test?

Test on a machine near you! The wrf_hydro_tests code is meant to work on any linux distribution. The requirements are bash4, python3, and the dependencies of the WRF-Hydro model. It has been run on Docker and on Chyenne (using qsub requires the wrf_hydro_tools repository at this time) and is intended to be portable between different linux environments.

It is highly recommended to develop and test primarily on a local machine (laptop or desktop), using Docker if necessary, so that tests are fast (not in the queue), frequent, and free. Combined, with periodically moving the code and running tests on supercomupters (e.g. Cheyenne where one can test larger domains and the intel compiler), the testing strategy is both efficient and robust.

Example usages on both Docker and Cheyenne are provided in the examples/ directory. Running with docker also requires Docker to be installed. There are several self-contained Docker examples which include guidance to understanding (and potentially customizing) Docker usage (if necessary).

1.5 Who ?

Who uses wrf_hydro_tests? Every person who edits the WRF-Hydro source code.

1.6 How ?

How do I use wrf_hydro_tests? This is the main subject of this README, please read on.

2. Overview & Definitions

The purpose of this section is to define the terms used in the design of the wrf_hydro_tests. Introduce the basics so that new users can become familiar with basic usage. Figure 1 shows the components of the system and roughly groups these into "basic usage" and "advanced usge".

Figure 1: wrf_hydro_tests
Figure 1. Schematic overview of the wrf_hydro_tests system.

Advanced usage (defining custom tests and other development) is deferred to a later section.


A candidate takes a test. The take_test name emphasizes that there are two parts: the taker and the test. The (bash) script is a top-level driver routine which brings the two together. The take_tests script is shown on the left-hand side in Figure 1, above.

The first argument to take_test is the candidate specification file and the second argument is the test specification. These two inputs are shown in Figure 1 with their relationship to other parts of the system. Note that running take_tests with no arguments (or less than 2 arguments) produces help on both its arguments.

The take_test script broadly handles the following tasks:

  1. Logging
  2. Setup of the candidate
  3. Taking of the test (including applying the answer keys)
  4. Tearing down the candidate (optional)
  5. Exiting

2.2 The candidate

The candidate is the most important aspect for new users to master. The candidate is ALL the necessary parts to take a test. The particulars of the candidate are recorded in two files:

  1. Machine specification file: nearly static for a given machine.
  2. Candidate specification file: the more dynamic parts.

These two files shoud uniquely identify a candidate. If you dont find that to be true, please log an issue! The two files are shown in Figure 1, grouped by the blue box that indicates the abstract idea of the candidate as consisting of the two files.

Though wrf_hydro_tests can use environment variables defined outside these two files (and we employ this fact in Docker applications), we strongly encourage specifying all the necessary variables in the candidate files.

2.2.1 Machine specification file

The file (in the top level) provides a template for the machine specifications. These should be installed individually for each machine the first time it is used. Generally, we recommend that the machine specification file for each machine be installed in ~/ for each user. However, this default location can be overridden in the candidate specification file (described in the next subsection).

We note that there is a single machine specification file for our Docker containers which can be found in CI/ and also with some of the docker examples, i.e. examples/nwm_ana/sixmile/docker/origin_reg-upstream/

The machine specification file is commented to guide the user in its setup. There is some conditional logic for modules on cheyenne, for both GNU and intel compiler choices.

In the "Getting Started" section below, there are detailed instructions on github authentication. We recommend using the github authtoken approach if you need to clone any private repositories, but manual authentication over https and ssh methods are also available.

The function used to run the model is one of the more complicated pieces of this file. When mpirun can be used, there is a function which will work. When a job scheduler must be invoked, alternative functions can be used. There is a function which runs on cheyenne but requires functionality of the wrf_hydro_tools repository to work. However, for each machine, this is is a one time problem even across all users of wrf_hydro_tests on that machine.

2.2.2 Candidate specification file

The file (in the top level) needs tailored by the user to specifiy the more dynamic parts of the candidate. There are broad groups of "moving parts" to be specified for a candidate:

  1. (Configuration - to be implemented)
  2. Domain group
  3. Compiler
  4. Model compile options group
  5. Candidate repository group
  6. Numer of cores group
  7. Reference repository group

There are currently a total of 22 variables which fall mostly in these 6 groups. Many are optional. The file is well commented and fairly straight forward. This is the main file which you will use and become familiar with.

In the examples/ directory and the Examples section below, we offer one way of oganizing candidate specification files for your tests. "Inheritance" is possible for candidate specification files, where a previous specification is used as the basis for a new specification. For example, if only the compiler is changed, then the previous specification is invoked followed by a change to the desired compiler name.

2.3 Test specification

The second argument to take_test is the test specification or test specification file. There are pre-canned tests in the tests/ directory which can be invoked by simply using a tag (which is simply the name of each *.sh file in that directory minus its extenstion.) Running take_tests with no arguments prodoces help on this argument and lists all the currently available tags.

If pre-canned tests do not meet your needs, an arbitrary test specification file can be passed. Tests are simply collections of questions. Tests are one of the simplest parts of the system. (For CI on CircleCI, tests are re-expressed in YAML mardown.) Custom tests may simply mix and match stock questions. More advanced users will want to develop custom tests with custom questions. Questions are described in the Advanced Usage section below.

3. Getting Started

Before diving in to examples, we deal with some necessary details.

3.1 Managing the GITHUB environment variables.

In order to clone private repos (e.g. wrf_hydro_nwm or even wrf_hydro_tests currently, though this should go public shortly), some form of authentication is necessary. The best approach which will always work in an automated fashion is to get the github authtoken and use as describe below.

However other options are available. If the GITHUB_SSH_PRIV_KEY variable is set in the machine specification file, then this variable renders the GITHUB_USERNAME and GITHUB_AUTHTOKEN variables useless. This method manages the agent and adding the key as much as possible, including in docker (though authentication may occur more frequently than no a local machine).

If GITHUB_SSH_PRIV_KEY is not set, then GITHUB_USERNAME is required. If GITHUB_AUTHTOKEN is not set, each pull of a remote repository requires manual authentication.

If GITHUB_AUTHTOKEN is set, then one never needs to authenticate. This method is highly recommended because it will make system use as automated as possible, so you can relax or work on other things while tests are running.

To obtain your authtoken from gthe github website, follow the instructions here


The machine specification file assumes (i.e. if not modified to look elsewhere) that your authtoken is stored in your ~/.github\_authtoken file. This file should be READ-ONLY BY OWNER in order to keep it secret from other users on your machine. For example, my file looks like:

jamesmcc@chimayo[736]:~/WRF_Hydro/wrf_hydro_docker/testing> ls -l ~/.github_authtoken 
-r--------  1 jamesmcc  rap  40 Nov  3 10:18 /Users/jamesmcc/.github_authtoken

The file contains the user authtoken from github with no carriage return or other whitespace in the file.

3.2 take_test in your path

After you run some of the canned examples, you'll want to start calling take_tests in arbitrary locations where you put your own candidate specification files. We recommend the following addition to your ~/.bashrc or ~/.bash_profile.

function take_test { /glade/u/home/`whoami`/some_path/wrf_hydro_tests/ $@; }

If you are c-shell variant users, then please add an alias like the following to your ~/.cshrc (or similar file):

alias take_test /glade/u/home/`whoami`/some_path/wrf_hydro_tests/

4. Workflow: Think globally develop locally

The recommended development workflow is:

  1. On your local machine: write code
  2. On your local machine: replace your compilation step with wrf_hydro_tests, using a toy domain. If your local machine is not Linux, setup and use docker locally.
  3. On cheyenne (or your large cluster): Periodically run tests on your code using larger domains and the intel compiler. This should eventually be handled by automated CI and cron-testing systems, but porting the testing to different domains on different machines should require minimal effort using wrf_hydro_tests.

The above workflow allows you the freedom to 1) not be connected to a remote machine, 2) not be subject to downtime on a remote machine, 3) understand not only if your code compiles at each step but also if any fundamental engineering (or other) tests have changed, 4) save core hour allocations on clusters.

Note that code does NOT need to be committed to be tested under wrf_hydro_tests when running locally (ie not under CI).

5. Examples

We begin with an example configured for cheyenne.

Within the examples/ directory, we have choosen to organize our candidate files and examples of take_test calls using the following directory/file structure:


Where the candidate specification may contain further indications of details in the candidate necessary to differentiate from other candidates in the same directory. The directory path specifies five of the top-level pieces of information which differentiate candidates.

5.1 examples/nwm_ana/sixmile/cheyenne/origin_reg-v1.2-fixes/

You do not need to be able to run this example to see the complete results.

Here the National Water Model's "analysis and assimilation" cycle is the configuration. This is a reference to both run time and compile-time options, but mostly indicates the run-time options or namelists which are used by the candidate in the tests. The domain is specified next, as the sixmile creek domain, outside Ithaca N.Y. The machine is cheyenne. The users remote origin fork on github will be tested. Regression test will be against a branch refered to here as "v1.2-fixes". Finally, the compiler is intel.

This directory/file naming convention gives some strong insight into what this test is about. However, the details are fully documented by the and the files in this directory. Reading these files will illuminate the paths to where the compiled code resides, where the domains are found , where the runs are actually performed, the exact modules loaded, the number of cores, the WRF-Hydro compile options, and the locations of both the candidate and reference repos (among other things). Please read and become familiar with all the variables defined in the and files

The shows how would be called on the candidate and paired with a stock test. These commands would normally just be executed by a user on the command line.

machine spec file: qCleanRun function needs wrf_hydro_tools. What else is of interest here?

The results of having run this test are logged to the file candidate_spec_intel_test_spec_fundamental-regress-v1-2-release-w-upgrades.log. The log file names derive from the candidate names and the test names, the two things combined by The log files are always placed in the same directory as the candidate files and start with the candidate spec filename for obvious collocation. Invoking cat on this file shows what it looks like when a test runs. Only the Logging the candidateSpecFile section is different, it does not appear in the terminal when run interactively. We strive to log all the pertient information at each step of the test.

The top-level sections are:

  1. Boilerplate: Logging some of the more fundamental information about the candidate and the test.

  2. Setting up the candidate: establishing everything needed for the test to be taken. (Little or nothing currently printed here

  3. Testing the candidate:

    1. Candidate fork: Getting and logging the fork + commit-ish (state of repo).
    2. Question: Compile?
    3. Question: Run?
    4. Question: Perfect restarts?
    5. Question: Number of cores tests?
    6. Reference fork: Getting and logging the fork + commit-ish (state of repo).
    7. Question: Regression test?
  4. Results of all tests

  5. Taking down the candidate

  6. Logging the candidate

The regression test in this example intentionally fails to illustrate what that looks like.

Why v1.2-fixes? This example also illustrates that when the configuration (the namelists, mostly) are not embedded with the model code repo and not referenced against DOMAIN files, we have to build separate run directories for each configuration. These configurations have namelists which evolve over time.

5.2 examples/nwm_ana/sixmile/cheyenne/origin_reg-v1.2-fixes/

This example is almost identical to the above except that we change the compiler. Note that the WALL_TIME variable is also left out as run-time may change significantly under different compilers. The candidate spec file shows the poor-man's inheritance provided by sourcing bash scripts and overriding pre-defined defaults. This inheritance could be leveraged more than we are doing currently, inside the directory structure we've established (but the inheritance is a fairly new feature, so we've not fully exploited it).

6. Deficiencies, on-going, & future work

Namelist management As noted, the candidate specification file does not currently specify a model run-time configuration (set of namelist options). Run-time configurations are currently static, which means that different domain run directories have to be specified for different model run-time configurations (the namelists live inside the established run directories for each domain).

Work has begun to integrate JSON collections of preconfigured namelists in to the code repository so that configurations can

  1. be named,
  2. be generated programatically at run time,
  3. evolve with the code base,
  4. be guaranteed to work and produce consistent results across versions.

Perhaps the biggest probelm this will solve is tracking a given configurations specific namelists across the development history (and guaranteeing this by testing the code with the namelist maintained across versions). The flexibility of mixing domains and configurations will tremendously simply the complexity of testing as well. The above work will also produce tools for generating and comparing namelists programatically.

Domain file management Domain files are continually evolving with the code. Because of their size, it is simply not feasible to keep domain files

7. Advanced Usage

7.1 Customizing & Contributing

Answer-changing code development:

  1. Actuall answer changing parts should be isolated to a single commit
  2. Should be diagnosed (on CONUS). You should write diagnostic tests in the flexible framework of wrf_hydro_tests as you are developing code and evaluating its impact. All such diagnostic testing can be used by others (and yourself) next time the same variables are being worked on.

7.2 Custom Questions

Questions may

  1. return logical answers and require an *answer_key" ( e.g. "does x pass/fail), or
  2. return qualitative results (diagnostic outputs), e.g. "how does".

There are stock questions and you can create custom questions.

Questions imply a known directory structure, but should remain Domain agnostic. That is, the same test in multiple domains has the identical directory structure.

Questions typcially involve a premise, examples of premises:

* There is a run
* There is an existing run (ncores test, perfect restart tests)
* There is a "blessed version of the code".

* Questions are comprised of premises (given a, b, c) and may or may
  not have answers (you can make custom questions too). 
* The answer_key is invoked (by the question) to see if the testee's answers are
* Questions with answers should be ordered from most fundamental to
  least fundamental and the test stops with the first failure. 
* Questions without answers come at the end and only return
  diagnostic/qualitative information.

questions/ * are only about the candidate. (E.g. for a regression test, the question is about the candidate: does the candidate run match the reference run. All parts of compiling and running the reference binary should be contained in the question about the regression of the candidate.) * should be summarized at the top of each question file. * have defined run directory names that must be adhered to when constructing domains. *


Testing for the WRF-Hydro Model (and National Water Model)






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  • Shell 91.7%
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