Automatic defect recognition in X-ray testing using computer vision
This code needs the following toolboxes:
Original images are from GDXray
see imdb.mat and imdb_readme.txt
Code for classical feature extraction and classification:
see wacv_demo.m and wacv_examples.m in this example the following pretrained nets must be included in folder nets: imagenet-caffe-alex.mat imagenet-vgg-f.mat imagenet-vgg-verydeep-16.mat imagenet-googlenet-dag.mat imagenet-vgg-m-2048.mat imagenet-vgg-verydeep-19.mat please see for downloading these files.
Code fox Xnet:
see folder xnet and use code xnet_main.m for training and testing.
Sliding windows for detection in one X-ray image:
see wacv_sliwin.m
Mery, D.; Arteta, C.: Automatic Defect Recognition in X-ray Testing using Computer Vision. In 2017 IEEE Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision, WACV2017.
(c) 2017 - Domingo Mery and Carlos Artera