- Motivation
- Hypothesis
- Approaches
- Market (progressive goals)
- Product (technology road map), tech R&D
- Execution Plan: sustainability and feasibility
- Manifesto: Brief message of the vision.
- Principles Guideline
- Toy Model of Organization
- Alliance: different paths towards the similar direction
one liner
: Humans are approaching the cognitive limitation in resolving conflicts of interest to land larger-scale mutual-beneficial collaboration.
What's The Challenge Keeps You Up In The Night?
One Reason
It is how people communicate their thoughts and how people are organized to deliver
the biggest asset of human civilization, from academic research to corporate governance.
Technologies like electricity
, machineries
, Internet
, artificial general intelligence
and blockchain
are the byproducts (tools). Organizations like communities
, corporations
and governments
are the forms (means).
It is how everyone is valued and matched, to take ownership to develop, under aligned interest and agreed principles, that delivers more. Academic research is the most successful example with its open access and credible reference.
More about Why: Initiatives on Sociological Practice
What's Your Story To Keep You Up In The Morning?
Some Thoughts
The coordination challenge in governance: Larger educated population is more frequently generating denser information through communications.
- more information: bigger networks with larger population connected;
- faster generation: better connectivity with devices having more efficient human-computer interface;
- higher density: more intense competition drive deeper domain specified skills and experience through higher education.
The Dilemma: Our adaptability (learning ability) are biologically limited, as
- limited attention (information I/O);
- limited computing(information processing).
Alternative explanation: Cognitive Bandwidth issue, nailed by César Hidalgo with Augmented Democracy.
Direct Consequences: Information Overload that results in divergent cognitive abilities:
- bias from selection effect over the process of learning;
- redundant information rephrased from different sources that occupied limited attention;
- conflicting information that causes recursive cognitive processing cost.
In together with the institutional barriers
detailed below, causes
- personal
ofcareer lock-in
due to solidified skill and experience with new tools and methods flushing in; sociological segregation
due to difficulties to trace the source of divergence:fragmentation of Internet
that intensifies alienation;- expediting
economic rising inequality
that raises concerns; - democracy failure that discouraged voters with abusive attention occupation of marketing campaign and cognitive cost to identify fake news (bad faith);
- collaboration difficulty to resolve global challenges without effective communication with comprehensive information and constructive organization practical in larger scale.
I believe diversity
is liberal
and collaborative
, not discriminative or alienating.
Cause of Institutional Barriers
The free market is supposed to optimize the supply and demand without intervention. But information asymmetry naturally exists, which inspired capitalism to take advantage to build institutional barriers
. Such institutional barriers include, but not limited to military (politics, policies, ideologies), economics (capitals, market power, information), technology (patents, IPs, manufacturing techniques).
The economic and sociological segregations are then rationalized with Darwinism for the favor of politicians, capitalists, institutions that also fosters religionists, nationalists, racists, sexists, etc.
Any minority faces inequality bargaining power due to the information asymmetry caused by institutional barriers
To fill the gap of cognitive ability and information asymmetry caused by such institutional barriers
, we need to re-confirm the root cause and find radical solutions.
One Plan
This part is still under reconstruction: 1. bottom-up way to demonstrate how it can be done; 2. top-down way to demonstrate why I think so. Both are illuminated in the mind note map.
Why? My motivation is covered earlier. I also realize that a collaborative society is worth living in that no matter who and how it's been built. And one of the key principle is be open enough to embrace changes. AMA there because at one point, histories are being made regardless.
To break the institutional barrier
mentioned above, the radical solution will be improve the biological limit of adaptability. But biological changes don't and won't catch up with the timescale of societal evolution any more, due to the fundamental difference of information propagation speed.
Thus the only possibility I see is giving everyone the access to Augmented Decision AI
to augment one's decision making ability in a process of Adaptive Learning
, which involves retrieving information from the collective knowledge base of human civilization and providing decision suggestions with reasonings, through wearable Human-computer Interface
based on the personal knowledge base, draft of the R&D plan. At the same time, the society needs to be organized with trust and principles to balance liberty
between individuals and communities.
Before diving into the detail, let's step back and think about the cosmology of human history.
My abstraction of Industrial Revolution
& Renaissance
- Printing: Enlightenment, less rational barrier due to geographic isolation.
- Mechanization, steam power: Industrial Revolution 1.0, more productivity with less labor dependency.
- Publishing: Romanticism, less educational barrier due to sociological status.
- Mass production, electricity: Industrial Revolution 2.0, more productivity with less gender, age, physical status dependency.
- Transportation, telegram: Darwinian, less information barrier due to transportation efficiency.
- Computer, automation: Industrial Revolution 3.0, more productivity with less economic status dependency.
- Internet, communication technology: Marketism (Capitalism/Socialism with market adaption), less information barrier due to social network limit.
- Artificial general intelligence, adaptive learning, general purpose robotics: Industrial Revolution 4.0, more productivity with less skill, knowledge dependency.
- Smart social contract, social identity & credit system: Collaborative society, less opportunity barrier due to sociological status.
- To be imagined...
With that in mind, building an enterprise is one of the best ways to accumulate resources to empower people to be visionaries. It is also the only way to demonstrate the power of collaborative society when the current form of corporations and governments are reaching the ceiling of efficiency. As a community member with ownership (universal basic income + equity), individuals will be best motivated. With principles to let everyone keeps up and gets involved in decision based on the proved ability. We can focus on what's important, to build a corporation as a government (society), to best liberate everyone's productivity, to eventually create abundance for better tomorrow.
- Who: everyone who wants to be part.
- How: collaborate as a community, a corporation, a society.
- What for: liberate productivity to create abundance.
Revisit the Vision and be a part in finding the path towards future with us.
It sounds like a hopeless optimistic ideal. But it's possible and I'm making it feasible. Smarter minds like you can join force with my road map, or propose a better path.
We will collaborate on building tools and methodologies for ourselves, other companies, corporations, governments to communicate efficiently and effectively.
Anyone should be a part of the collaborative society, which aims to provide help to liberate everyone, with equal access to the information and basic resources, until catching up by adaptive learning, to become capable, to extend the edge of the collective knowledge base.
- explain about how to improve cognitive ability to take more responsibility.
- write about similarity of marketing and education, the abuse of attention
- effective autonomy: principle alignment, proposal oriented instead of group oriented, decentralized management with no opportunistic barrier, normalize peer review power.
All supports are recognized!
this project as pledge to support- join the mail list
- ask challenging questions at issues
- pioneer in slack channel, ask for an invitation, form a Think Tank
- talk to any community members for detail
- ask challenging questions
- help congregate into WiKi to iterate the plan
- initiate the community principles in slack following the execution plan
- brainstorm the future of society (how people collaborate), future of education (how people adapt), future of manufacturing (how people prosper), future of future (where are we going), as well as who we are.
- sign up as future development support
- knowledge graph
- embedded system developer: biometrics, acoustics, battery
- education theory (adaptive learning)
- mathematician, economist, sociologist, anthropologist, philosopher, PhDs, Post-Docs, Professors in other domains
- chip designers: quantum computing, photonic integrated circuits, biological computing
- join as first actors
- disciples: visionaries in all backgrounds
- product managers
- speech recognition exports
- data engineers: cloud infrastructure
- data analytics/business intelligence
- iOS/Android developers
- decentralized system developers
- business developments
Remember, remember, the principles to be a member.
A brief view of Principles in Construction
- Autonomy
- Social Contracts
- Code of Conduct/Principles
- We are a family, community, crowd-owners of a social company with diversity.
- Trust first, but keep track of what happens.
- Be bold, look for radical solution!
- Be modest,
I know that I know nothing
. - Be honest and embrace changes, open source and open management based on credibility.
- Open Source, no NCA, NDA
- Open Meeting
- Open Decision
- Open Development
- Open Management
- Peer Review
- Jury Decision
- Liquid Democracy
One can make the shape, but it is all together that can fill the gap.
Adaptive Education
- Ideology with Popular Science: The plot to build Sci-Fi stories
- Cognitive ability: 42, case study about gamification on effective learning.
The project is to build SaaS service to automate workflow from meeting, a voice based Salesforce system.
The data will be accumulated to develop workforce system like LinkedIn to better evaluate talents for hiring and management.
Privacy or business security is definitely a challenge but it could be taken care of with open sourcing, bet agreement, shares sharing, etc. The core idea is to be collaborative that using technology to empower people to communicate more efficient and effective. With the data generated, we can build enterprise knowledge base as well as personal knowledge base to model the proportional contribution and collective decision path, to power the development of AGI level automation to create manufacturing abundance for UBI.
At the same time, the proportional contribution could be the distribution incentive to motivate people to learn more from the enterprise knowledge base through practice in collective decision making.
By solving the communication scaling challenge and organization scaling challenge, we may surpass humans biological limit of adaptability for a collaborative society based on effective altruism.
In the big picture, guided by the Principle:
- A beautiful future to work towards.
- A meaningful purpose to live on.
- A community with trusted like-minds.
- A stage to liberate your talents.
In the short term, detailed in Execution Plan:
- Peace of mind with universal basic income.
- A share of equity matched to your added value.
Nothing is perfect but in Principles we unite. QA thread.
- What's the Future of Manufacturing?
- Can it be
? Will there be less material cost and inventory? - Can it be
made local
? Will there be less packaging and energy cost in logistics? - Can it be
specialized to customization
? Is choice abundance and personal affiliation a unfulfilled demand? - Can I
- choose the fashion design, fit to body, print at local hub, pick up to go?
- land in airport, pick up socks, travel, recycle the socks, fly out?
- take chargers to re-engineer for new devices?
- What's not in the
?- Externalities: do we miss out the waste, recycle cost in the price model?
- Responsibility: we change from ownership to adoption for pets, should we also care for goods?
- Can it be
- What's the Future of Education?
- Can we learn more efficiently?
- Can it be more
? Can information density be adjusted to the personal knowledge base? - Can it be more
? Can we learn from practice with the guide of the collective knowledge base?
- Can it be more
- What's the purpose of education?
- Is it a necessity in the future of material abundance?
- Can I just be curious to question until the edge of the collective knowledge base?
- Can we learn more efficiently?
- What's the Future of Work?
- Do we need to be skilled when there is artificial general intelligence?
- Will there be income gap when experience of best practice can be supplemented by collective knowledge base?
- What's the purpose of work in the Future of Manufacturing?
- Do we still need to work to survive?
- Can I be creative instead of productive when the demand is specialized?
- What's the Future of Society?
- Is it safe to trust a person knowing one's principles?
- Is it more trustworthy showing people one's principles?
- ...
My peek to one of the loosely-pictured future.
I know that I know nothing
-- Socrates
- Current Open Projects
- Ideation with Q&A: happening at issues
- Privacy challenge
- Trust challenge
- A better walk-through of the vision, wording, language, etc.
Disclose the road-map towards collective society.- Test and iterate the execution plan.
- Better Name of the Project and a Website.
- Structure the GitHub to be more operational on collaboration.
- Directory for Stories
- Index Resources and ongoing Projects
- Build WiKi
- A Website
- Ideation with Q&A: happening at issues
Disclaimer, it is towards the same direction that we see them as alliance. There is no actual affiliation unless specified.
- César Hidalgo, Prof. in MIT on Collective Learning, Augmented Democracy to solve cognitive bandwidth.
- Great American Debate, Internet Governance and collective debate map on Climate Change, lead by Jamie Joyce.
- Canonical Debate Lab, affiliation of Great American Debate and Democracy Earth.
- Effective Altruism, currently an elite group with huge cognitive barrier to scale.