Conduit interface for cassava package
Streaming to CSV is not 100% complete at this stage, and doesn't support encoding to CSV with a header yet
There is a project containing some examples of the usage, but the gist is here:
import Data.Csv
import Data.Conduit
import Data.Csv.Conduit
data InputRecord = ...
instance FromRecord InputRecord where
data OutputRecord = ...
instance ToRecord OutputRecord where
decodeOpts :: Word8 -> DecodeOptions
encodeOpts :: Word8 -> EncodeOptions
processInput :: InputRecord -> OutputRecord
-- |
-- A Conduit pipeline that streams from '../exampledata/sampleinput.psv', decodes it from a pipe seperated format,
-- processes it with 'processInput' and the encodes it to pipe seperated format and streams it out to '../exampledata/sampleoutput.psv'
-- The first time it encounters a parse error, it will stop streaming and return the error, dropping any decoded records that came through in that batch also...
conduitPipeline :: (MonadError CsvParseError m, MonadResource m) => m ()
conduitPipeline = sourceFile "../exampledata/sampleinput.psv" $$ fromCsv (decodeOpts $ fromIntegral $ ord '|') HasHeader =$= map processInput =$= toCsv (encodeOpts $ fromIntegral $ ord '|') =$= sinkFile "../exampledata/sampleoutput.psv"
main :: IO ()
main = do
res <- runEitherT $ bimapEitherT showError id $ runResourceT conduitPipeline
either putStrLn return res
$ cd examples
$ cabal sandbox init
$ cabal sandbox add-source ../
$ cabal install --only-dependencies
$ cabal build
./mafia build
./mafia test