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@oscarbatori oscarbatori released this 29 Apr 05:50

Merged PRs

  • 636: sql-server command documentation
    dolt sql-server - Start a MySQL-compatible server.
    dolt sql-server --config <file>
    dolt sql-server [-H <host>] [-P <port>] [-u <user>] [-p <password>] [-t <timeout>] [-l <loglevel>] [--multi-db-dir <directory>] [-r]
    By default, starts a MySQL-compatible server which allows only one user connection ata time to the dolt repository in the current directory. Any edits made through this server will be automatically reflected
    in the working set.  This behavior can be modified using a yaml configuration file passed to the server via --config <file>, or by using the supported switches and flags to configure the server directly on
    the command line (If --config <file> is provided all other command line arguments are ignored).
    This is an example yaml configuration file showing all supported items and their default values:
    log_level: info
    read_only: false
    autocommit: true
    name: root
    password: ""
    host: localhost
    port: 3306
    max_connections: 1
    read_timeout_millis: 30000
    write_timeout_millis: 30000
    databases: []
    log_level - Level of logging provided. Options are: `trace', `debug`, `info`, `warning`, `error`, and `fatal`.
    behavior.read_only - If true database modification is disabled.
    behavior.autocommit - If true write queries will automatically alter the working set.  When working with autocommit enabled it is highly recommended that listener.max_connections be set to 1 as concurrency
    issues will arise otherwise. - The username that connections should use for authentication.
    user.password - The password that connections should use for authentication. - The host address that the server will run on.  This may be `localhost` or an IPv4 or IPv6 address.
    listener.port - The port that the server should listen on.
    listener.max_connections - The number of simultaneous connections that the server will accept.
    listener.read_timeout_millis - The number of milliseconds that the server will wait for a read operation.
    listener.write_timeout_millis - The number of milliseconds that the server will wait for a write operation.
    databases - a list of dolt data repositories to make available as SQL databases. If databases is missing or empty then the working directory must be a valid dolt data repository which will be made available
    as a SQL database
    databases[i].path - A path to a dolt data repository.
    databases[i].name - The name that the database corresponding to the given path should be referenced via SQL.
    If a config file is not provided many of these settings may be configured on the command line.
    When provided configuration is taken from the yaml config file and all command line parameters are ignored.
    -H <Host address>, --host=<Host address>
    Defines the host address that the server will run on (default `localhost`)
    -P <Port>, --port=<Port>
    Defines the port that the server will run on (default `3306`)
    -u <User>, --user=<User>
    Defines the server user (default `root`)
    -p <Password>, --password=<Password>
    Defines the server password (default ``)
    -t <Connection timeout>, --timeout=<Connection timeout>
    Defines the timeout, in seconds, used for connections
    A value of `0` represents an infinite timeout (default `30000`)
    -r, --readonly
    Disables modification of the database
    -l <Log level>, --loglevel=<Log level>
    Defines the level of logging provided
    Options are: `trace', `debug`, `info`, `warning`, `error`, `fatal` (default `info`)
    Defines a directory whose subdirectories should all be dolt data repositories accessible as independent databases.
    When provided sessions will not automatically commit their changes to the working set. Anything not manually committed will be lost.
  • 635: Bumped version for release
  • 89: Secondary Indexes
    This has been cleaned up and whatnot, so you can give this an earnest look. Most things are a deletion, since I chose to go about things a bit differently than it was already coded in, but overall there are relatively few new additions. I also removed a lot of the temporary code that was hanging around, as it turns out most of it wasn't needed.
  • 88: Zachmu/analyzer
    Analyzer improvements, mostly related to treatment of aliases to support selecting the same table twice, but lots of other improvements as well.
  • 87: ctx in Session.Set