[Official Telegram Channel] ➪ https://t.me/cardano_yacp
[Official Telegram Cool Group] ➪ YACP - Cardano S. Pool
YACP is yet another CARDANO cool pool because it is cool.
It runs on Arm-Based Compute ➪ reference
Whats is Cardano Blockchain ➪ https://cardano.org/
Pool id: pool1xzfrmeux886ckdm2ekk3t3xe2ch5666m7zxa6dt0zrfm5mq2ksm / 30923de78639f58b376acdad15c4d9562f4d6b5bf08ddd356f10d3ba
Ticker: [YACP]
Since: 10/27/2022 2:45:37 PM
Fixed fee: 340A
Margin fee: 0.99%
Find out more in:
➪ cexplorer
➪ cardanoscan
➪ pooltool
➪ Telegram Group open for Cool chat - [YACP] members will be cool/happy to help you!
- Be cool and engaged to Cardano Ecosystem
- Be a member of https://www.xspo-alliance.org/
- Be a member of https://armada-alliance.com/
- Be always a Single Pool Operator
- Participate on xSPO Rotating Delegation
- Develop and maintain cool Telegram bots/scripts to help Pool Operators
- Participate on social work for donation part of Pool's profit
- Buy my father an eletric wheelchair
- [...]
Hi, we have a branch for technical subject such as Node Configuration/Specs, Tech Support, Scripting, Telegram...
For this, refer to our infrastructure
branch on this repository