Use play framework to develop the web application backend/services and frontend using Svelte and Bulma, all in a totally integrated workflow and single unified console. This approach will deliver perfect development experience without CORS hassle.
Fork or clone this repository.
Used any of the following SBT commands which will intern trigger frontend associated npm scripts.
sbt clean # Clean existing build artifacts
sbt stage # Build your application from your project’s source directory
sbt run # Run both backend and frontend builds in watch mode
sbt dist # Build both backend and frontend sources into a single distribution artifact
sbt test # Run both backend and frontend unit tests
- This seed is not using scala play views. All the views and frontend associated routes are served via Svelte code base under
├── /app/ # The backend source (controllers, models, services)
│ └── /controllers/ # Backend controllers
│ └── FrontendController.scala # Asset controller wrapper serving frontend assets and artifacts
├── /conf/ # Configurations files and other non-compiled resources (on classpath)
│ ├── application.conf # Play application configuration file.
│ ├── logback.xml # Logging configuration
│ └── routes # Routes definition file
├── /logs/ # Log directory
│ └── application.log # Application log file
├── /project/ # Contains project build configuration and plugins
│ ├── FrontendCommands.scala # Frontend build command mapping configuration
│ ├── FrontendRunHook.scala # Frontend build PlayRunHook (trigger frontend serve on sbt run)
│ ├── # Marker for sbt project
│ └── plugins.sbt # SBT plugins declaration
├── /public/ # Frontend build artifacts will be copied to this directory
├── /target/ # Play project build artifact directory
│ ├── /universal/ # Application packaging
│ └── /web/ # Compiled web assets
├── /test/ # Contains unit tests of backend sources
├── /ui/ # Frontend source folder
│ ├── /node_modules/ # 3rd-party frontend libraries and utilities
│ ├── /src/ # The frontend source code (modules, components, models, directives, services etc.) of the application
│ │ ├── App.svelte # Svelte's main component
│ │ |── proxy.conf.json # UI proxy configuration
| | └── main.js # Main file for the application
| ├── /test/ # UI test folder
| | └── App.spec.js # Test related to App.svelte component
│ ├── .gitignore # Contains ui files to be ignored when pushing to git
│ ├── package.json # NPM package configuration.
│ └── webpack.config.js # Webpack configuration
├── .gitignore # Contains files to be ignored when pushing to git
├── build.sbt # Play application SBT configuration
├── LICENSE # License Agreement file
├── # Application user guide
└── ui-build.sbt # SBT command hooks associated with frontend npm scripts
- Frontend build command mapping configuration.
├── /project/
│ ├── FrontendCommands.scala
- PlayRunHook implementation to trigger
npm run start
onsbt run
├── /project/
│ ├── FrontendRunHook.scala
- Asset controller wrapper serving frontend assets and artifacts.
├── /app/
│ └── /controllers/
│ └── FrontendController.scala
- This file contains the build task hooks to trigger frontend npm scripts on sbt command execution.
- Scripts are launched thanks to
and are stored inpackage.json
├── /ui/
│ ├── package.json
- Used to proxy play backend API when running the project on watch mode.
├── /ui/
│ ├── proxy.conf.json
├── /conf/
│ ├── routes
- The following route configuration map index.html to entry route (root). This should be placed as the initial route.
GET / controllers.FrontendController.index()
- All API routes should be prefixed with API prefix defined under
(Default prefixapiPrefix = "api"
Example API route:
GET /api/summary controllers.HomeController.appSummary
- The following route is being used to serve frontend associated build artifacts (css, js) and static assets (images, etc.). This should be placed as the final route.
GET /*file controllers.FrontendController.assetOrDefault(file)
Note: On production build all the front end Svelte build artifacts will be copied to the public/ui
- Simply replace the ui directory with the build of your choice
- Make output directory ROOT/public/
- Implement a proxy to localhost:9000
This software is licensed under the MIT license.