Utility for cleaning sharejs oplogs
npm install -g opclean
Usage: opclean -u [url] -d [num] -e [collections list]
-u, --url mongodb url [required]
-d, --days amount of days to preserve records [default: 7]
-e, --excludes collections to exclude [default: "auths_ops,ops_auths"]
opclean -u mongodb://localhost:27017/idg -d 3 clean all 3-day old records
from all ops-collections (ex
cept 'auths'-ops) and except
last op for all snapshots
var cleaner = require('opclean');
cleaner('mongodb:/localhost:27017/mydb', 7, ['auths_ops'], function(err, results){
// ...
The tool works with two types oplog collections: livedb - collection_ops, and sharedb - ops_collection.