A NodeJS, stateful, console-based Redmine client.
# install from github
npm install -g dlemper/Redmine-CLI#master
# install from local folder
# if install failed, please remove previous version first: npm remove -g redmine
npm i -g .
Connect to your Redmine instance.
$ redmine connect http://your.server/redmine yourApiKey
Note: Unless you don't want to switch to another Redmine instance you only need to call this once.
You are all set, have fun :)
Display available commands and options.
$ redmine --help
Usage: redmine [options] [command]
connect <url> <apiKey> Connect to server using API key for authentication.
projects Display projects.
project <identifier> Display project details.
update-project [options] <identifier> Update the specified project.
create-project [options] <name> <identifier> Create a new project.
issues [options] Display issues.
issue [options] <id> Display issue details.
update-issue [options] <id> Update the specified issue.
create-issue [options] <project> <subject> Create a new issue.
statuses Display available issue statuses.
trackers Display available trackers.
priorities Display available priorities.
users Display users (requires admin priviliges).
user <id> Display user details (requires admin priviliges).
open <id> Open issue in default browser.
-h, --help output usage information
-V, --version output the version number
Or display the options of a certain command.
$ redmine issues --help
Usage: issues [options]
Display issues.
-h, --help output usage information
-p, --project <project> Only display issues for the specified project.
-P, --priority <priority> Only display issues with specified priority.
-a, --assignee <assignee> Only display issues for the specified assignee.
-s, --status <status> Only display issues with the specified status.
-t, --tracker <tracker> Only display issues for the specified tracker.
-m, --me Only display issues assigned to me.
-o, --open Only display open issues.
-c, --closed Only display closed issues.
Display all issues assigned to you with status New
$ redmine issues --me --status=New
#2 Bug New High Admin Istrator This is a bug.
#1 Feature New Urgent Admin Istrator This is a feature.
Display a certain issue with history.
$ redmine issue 2 --history
BUG #2
This is a feature.
Added by Admin Istrator a month ago. Updated a day ago.
New Normal Admin Istrator
This is a feature description.
* Updated by Admin Istrator 21 days ago.
Status changed from 'In Progress' to 'New'.
* Updated by Admin Istrator 21 days ago.
Tracker changed from 'Feature' to 'Bug'.
* Updated by Admin Istrator 21 days ago.
Assignee changed from 'nobody' to 'John Doe'.
* Updated by Admin Istrator 14 days ago.
Assignee changed from 'John Doe' to 'Admin Istrator'.
* Updated by Admin Istrator a day ago.
Priority changed from 'High' to 'Normal'.
Note: In order to resolve some properties within the history, displaying an issue with history may take a few moments longer. If you are not interested in the history just skip the according option.