Shurl is URL shortener implemented with Elixir and Maru framework (test project).
The application requires Elixir 1.5 and OTP 20.
To run application or tests locally without Docker add appropriate config to config/local
for your database.
- Install dependencies with
mix deps.get
- Setup database with
mix ecto.setup
- Run tests with
mix test
- Start application with
mix run --no-halt
Now you can use the application at localhost:8888
Or alternatively to run application install Docker Compose which supports Compose file format 3.x.
- Build containers with
docker-compose build
- Run containers with
docker-compose up
And now you can use the application at localhost:4000
Available routes:
HTTP method | Route | Description |
POST | /link | Create short code for URL |
GET | /link/:short_code | Show URL by short code |
GET | /:short_code | Go to URL by short code |
GET | /analytics/:short_code | Show short code analytics |
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"url":"<%token%>"}' ''
200 OK
curl -X GET ''
200 OK
curl -X GET ''
302 Found
curl -X GET ''
200 OK