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/ docker-divolte Public archive

Docker container for divolte

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Divolte Base image

Base image with Divolte.

Configuration options

The following environment variables can influence the default configuration:

env var default options description
DIVOLTE_HOST Hostname the application binds on
DIVOLTE_PORT 8290 The port the application runs on
DIVOLTE_USE_XFORWARDED_FOR false true, false Whether to trust the X-Forwarded-For header HTTP header
DIVOLTE_SERVE_STATIC_RESOURCES true true, false Serve the static testing page
DIVOLTE_HDFS_ENABLED false true, false Write events in avro format to HDFS
DIVOLTE_HDFS_SINK_SYNC_NR_OF_RECORDS 1000 Max nr of records before file is synced
DIVOLTE_HDFS_SINK_SYNC_DURATION 30 minutes a duration Max duration before file is synced
DIVOLTE_HDFS_SINK_WORKING_DIR /tmp/working HDFS working directory path
DIVOLTE_HDFS_SINK_PUBLISH_DIR /tmp/publish HDFS publish directory path
DIVOLTE_GFS_ENABLED false true, false Write events in avro format to GFS
DIVOLTE_KAFKA_ENABLED true true, false Write events in avro format to Kafka
DIVOLTE_KAFKA_BROKER_LIST localhost:9092 The Kafka bootstrap server list
DIVOLTE_KAFKA_CLIENT_ID divolte.collector The Kafka client id for the producer
DIVOLTE_PARTY_COOKIE _dvp Name of the party cookie
DIVOLTE_PARTY_TIMEOUT 730 days Validity of the party cookie
DIVOLTE_SESSION_COOKIE _dvs Name of the session cookie
DIVOLTE_SESSION_TIMEOUT 30 minutes Validity of the session cookie
DIVOLTE_COOKIE_DOMAIN '' The cookie domain for the cookies
DIVOLTE_JAVASCRIPT_NAME divolte.js Name of the js file to include in the web application
DIVOLTE_JAVASCRIPT_LOGGING false true, false Enable javascript logging in the console
DIVOLTE_JAVASCRIPT_DEBUG false true, false Enable javascript debug logging in the console
DIVOLTE_JAVASCRIPT_AUTO_PAGE_VIEW_EVENT true true, false Generate the default page view event on loading the js library
DIVOLTE_KAFKA_TOPIC divolte The topic where the events are published

Running the container

docker-compose pull
docker-compose --project-name divolte up


Testing if the image works can be done by using the Kafka console producer/consumer since we named the image we need to add an entry to the /etc/hosts file to connect the name divolte-kafka to the local ip       divolte-kafka

Now we can use that hostname (the same as the advertised host) to connect the producer and consumer:

kafka-console-producer --broker-list divolte-kafka:9092 \
  --topic divolte

Sending messages can be done by typeing the following in the console:


To consume this use the following in a separate terminal window:

kafka-console-consumer --bootstrap-server divolte-kafka:9092 \
  --topic divolte \


Divolte test page

Open the page http://localhost:8290 in your browser. A pageview event is sent onload. If you click the button a custom event is sent to divolte. If you still have the console consumer running you should see the Avro-encoded message passing by. Something like this:

                                           ??V0:j4it1gyt:k3Ch09eSqfZLxs9si86U8iw_ANxUimkqV0:j4it1gyt:JqUiAcIiYjNv7rpK4GvjUR0a1bxgA4LjD0:1npO4TIYAVmC6Tb2L4Edpf~32KmcMDGNpageView?Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_12_5) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/59.0.3071.104 Safari/537.36
                                                                  ChromeGoogle Inc.Browser59.0.3071.104"Personal computeOS X10.12.5(Apple Computer, Inc.
                                           ??V0:j4it1gyt:k3Ch09eSqfZLxs9si86U8iw_ANxUimkqV0:j4it1gyt:JqUiAcIiYjNv7rpK4GvjUR0a1bxgA4LjD0:1npO4TIYAVmC6Tb2L4Edpf~32KmcMDGNbannerClick?Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_12_5) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/59.0.3071.104 Safari/537.36
                                                                     ChromeGoogle Inc.Browser59.0.3071.104"Personal computeOS X10.12.5(Apple Computer, Inc.


If you want to have a Kerberized Kafka cluster use the docker-compose-kerberos file to spin up the images. You need to provide the projectname divolte for it to work:

docker-compose --project-name divolte -f docker-compose-kerberos.yml up


Docker container for divolte






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