Get insights from your Craft Commerce stores.
- Customer summaries
- Transactions (including refunds)
- Products and who bought them
- Which products were bought when and who by
- Best selling products / variants
Quickly export key data about your customers. See a customers:
- total number of orders
- total amount spent
- average order amount
- lowest order
- largest order
- First order date
- last order date
- number of days between first and last order
- numbers of days since last order
See all transactions including refunds between two dates. This report shows the gateway.
It also gives a summary of the total number of transactions, total amount and average amounts of paid and refunded.
Quickly see who purchased a product and when. Export the data as a csv to consume in other applications
See which products were purchased between two dates and who by, and the order statuses.
See, and export, which products sold best between two dates.
This plugin requires Craft 4.0.0+ and the Craft Commerce 4.0.0+ plugin to be installed and enabled.
A few new reports are on their way. including
- Refunds
- Discounts
- Automated reports sent via Email