- ngrok client for c language.
- Before compiling you need to generate libpolarssl.a static library Reference polarssl official website.
- contact email [email protected].
ddns.cpp with https.cpp not used.
#windows Build.bat run in cmd.
#linux Because not use makefile, so write a script sh compile, run build.sh
#openwrt run openwrtbuild.sh
ngrok-polarssl -SER[Shost:ngrokd.ngrok.com,Sport:443,Atoken:xxx] -AddTun[Type:http,Lhost:,Lport:80,Sdname:xxdosgo]
Shost -Server host.
Sport -server port.
Atoken -ngrok authtoken.
type -tcp or http or https.
Lhost -local address.
Lport -local port.
sdname -Subdomain.
- ngrokc -SER[Shost:ngrokd.ngrok.com,Sport:443] -AddTun[Type:http,Lhost:,Lport:80,Sdname:Example]
- ngrokc -AddTun[Type:http,Lhost:,Lport:80,Sdname:Example]
You can also register multiple Tunnel, but can only have one of each type.
- ngrokc -AddTun[Type:http,Lhost:,Lport:80,Sdname:Example] -AddTun[Type:https,Lhost:,Lport:81,Sdname:Example1]
- 如,你只要把xx.xxx.org解析到tunnel.mobi,那么访问xx.xxx.org就可以了..比Sdname好。。
ngrokc.exe -SER[Shost:tunnel.mobi,Sport:44433] -AddTun[Type:http,Lhost:,Lport:80,Hostname:xx.xxx.org] -AddTun[Type:tcp,Lhost:,Lport:80,Rport:55556]
感谢maz-1 修复ubuntu下编译bug
- 增加openssl支持,
- 如果编译openssl版本,修改config.h文件把define OPENSSL 改为1,
- 如果编译polarssl版本,修改config.h文件把define OPENSSL 改为0,
- make -f Makefile.openssl编译openssl版本
- make -f Makefile.polarssl编译polarssl版本