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vuerd-core plugin medium-editor

npm version Build Status


Live Demo


$ yarn add vuerd-core
$ yarn add vuerd-plugin-medium-editor
$ npm install vuerd-core
$ npm install vuerd-plugin-medium-editor


// main.js or main.ts
import Vue from 'vue';
import VuerdCore from 'vuerd-core';
import MediumEditor from 'vuerd-plugin-medium-editor';
import 'vuerd-core/dist/vuerd-core.css';
import 'vuerd-plugin-medium-editor/dist/vuerd-plugin-medium-editor.css';

    imageUpload(file, callback) {
      // upload

<vuerd-core />

CDN Quick Start

<!DOCTYPE html>
  <title>vuerd-core demo</title>
  <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="">
  <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="">
  <div id="app">
    <vuerd-core />
  <script src=""></script>
  <script src=""></script>
  <script src=""></script>
    const VuerdCore = window['vuerd-core'].default
    const MediumEditor = window['vuerd-plugin-medium-editor'].default
    new Vue({
      el: '#app'

Option interface

export interface Option {
  imageUpload?: (file: File, callback: (url: string) => void) => void;
  scope?: string[] | RegExp[];
  exclude?: string[] | RegExp[];
  editorOption?: EditorOption;

export interface EditorOption {
  delay?: number; // 0
  disableReturn?: boolean; // false
  disableDoubleReturn?: boolean; // false
  disableExtraSpaces?: boolean; // false
  disableEditing?: boolean; // false
  spellcheck?: boolean; // true
  targetBlank?: boolean; // false
  toolbar?: Toolbar | boolean;
  anchorPreview?: AnchorPreview | boolean;
  placeholder?: Placeholder | boolean;
  anchor?: Anchor;
  paste?: Paste;
  keyboardCommands?: { commands: Command[] } | boolean;
  autoLink?: boolean; // true

export interface Toolbar {
  allowMultiParagraphSelection?: boolean; // true
  buttons?: Buttons[] | any;
  diffLeft?: number; // 0
  diffTop?: number; // -10
  firstButtonClass?: string; // 'medium-editor-button-first'
  lastButtonClass?: string; // 'medium-editor-button-last'
  relativeContainer?: HTMLElement | null; // null
  standardizeSelectionStart?: boolean; // false
  static?: boolean; // false
  align?: Align; // 'center'
  sticky?: boolean; // false
  updateOnEmptySelection?: boolean; // false

export interface AnchorPreview {
  hideDelay?: number; // 500
  previewValueSelector?: string; // 'a'
  showWhenToolbarIsVisible?: boolean; // false
  showOnEmptyLinks?: boolean; // true

export interface Placeholder {
  text?: string; // 'Type your text'
  hideOnClick: boolean; // true

export interface Anchor {
  customClassOption?: string | null; // null
  customClassOptionText?: string; // 'Button'
  linkValidation?: boolean; // false
  placeholderText?: string; // 'Paste or type a link'
  targetCheckbox?: boolean; // false
  targetCheckboxText?: string; // 'Open in new window'

export interface Paste {
  forcePlainText?: boolean; // true
  cleanPastedHTML?: boolean; // false
  preCleanReplacements?: any;
  cleanReplacements?: any;
  cleanAttrs?: string[]; // ['class', 'style', 'dir']
  cleanTags?: string[]; // ['meta']
  unwrapTags?: string[]; // []

export interface Command {
  command: string;
  key: string;
  meta: boolean;
  shift: boolean;
  alt: boolean;

export type Buttons =
  | "bold"
  | "italic"
  | "underline"
  | "strikethrough"
  | "subscript"
  | "superscript"
  | "anchor"
  | "image"
  | "quote"
  | "pre"
  | "orderedlist"
  | "unorderedlist"
  | "indent"
  | "outdent"
  | "justifyLeft"
  | "justifyCenter"
  | "justifyRight"
  | "justifyFull"
  | "h1"
  | "h2"
  | "h3"
  | "h4"
  | "h5"
  | "h6"
  | "removeFormat"
  | "html"
  | "table";

export type Align = "left" | "center" | "right";


Name Type Default Describe
imageUpload function base64 image upload
scope [String | RegExp] ["rich"] file designation(string extension)
exclude [String | RegExp] exception file designation(string extension)
editorOption EditorOption default option medium-editor option

default EditorOption

editorOption = {
    toolbar: {
      allowMultiParagraphSelection: true,
      buttons: [
      diffLeft: 0,
      diffTop: -10,
      firstButtonClass: "medium-editor-button-first",
      lastButtonClass: "medium-editor-button-last",
      align: "center"
    autoLink: true,
    placeholder: false
