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Impono - Open Source Tag Manager

This project is based on SevenTag, when it was open source, from a backup done by tsteur.

Our goal is to make Impono Tag Manager the best open source tag manager available. Development is supported by Digitalist.

Impono uses Symfony, and a bunch of JavaScript frameworks and libraries - like Angular, Gulp, Bower etc.

Documentation on the UI

How to install Impono with Vagrant

vagrant up`
nvm use (local)
yarn install (local) [you need yarn installed for this - you could also use npm install]
gulp build (local)
composer install (inside box)
bin/console a:i (inside box)

In browser: http://impono.test/install.php and follow instructions.

How to install Impono with test user and data

Follow the inctructions to install with Vagrant, ssh into box, go to /var/www/impono then: bin/console doctrine:fixtures:load

Example user is [email protected] and password istesting

How to install in production.

We recomend that you use the offical docker image at Docker Hub.

Docker compose example:

Updating in production example:

docker-compose stop
docker-compose pull
docker volume prune -f
docker-compose up --force-recreate -d
docker exec -it application_app_1 composer bin/console a:i

docker cp copy/parameters.yml application_app_1:/var/www/app/config/parameters.yml
docker exec -it application_app_1 bin/console impono:republish -f
docker exec -it application_app_1 bin/console c:c
docker exec -it application_app_1 bin/console c:w
docker exec -it application_app_1 chmod 777 -R var

You could also use the code repo and add your settings to parameters.yml.

Impono follow the normal Symfony install procedure, see Symfony documentation.

Problem with install?

If having problem with phantomjs not in PATH, try this:

sudo wget
sudo tar xvjf phantomjs-1.9.8-linux-x86_64.tar.bz2 -C /usr/local/share/
sudo ln -s /usr/local/share/phantomjs-1.9.8-linux-x86_64/bin/phantomjs /usr/local/bin/


Documentation site is coming, for now see api.html in doc folder.

Technology stack

PHP 7.1 MariaDB Apache 2


API examples

Example login

With an existing integration user

curl -X POST -d "client_id=12_5qpf73hq93swccow0844gko0g04g40s8soc0ssckoco4c0s0cc&client_secret=5rpg2t9bszs4g4o44gksgw8ggc8coo8408s080ko8kcgcwcggs&grant_type=client_credentials" http://impono.test/api/oauth/v2/token

or with JSON

curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"client_id":"12_1n8epty5f9dwgo00048ggocksk0ogsogkw84w4c00w8w8080cs" , "client_secret":"4mko84fwz6gw8wc0sgc0sks8kksw480c4sw4g88wos4ggsksgw", "grant_type" : "client_credentials"}' http://impono.test/api/oauth/v2/token

Getting back:


With this my Authorization: Bearer is NTY5OWM2OTBjYzdmOWQwMTFjZTQwZmYwZWU1Y2U5NWI1ZTU3MDU3NDI5MmIzYzc0YzY1YTUzMGZiZDdiMTZhYw and I should use that to authorize requests.

Example call

curl --header "Authorization: Bearer NTY5OWM2OTBjYzdmOWQwMTFjZTQwZmYwZWU1Y2U5NWI1ZTU3MDU3NDI5MmIzYzc0YzY1YTUzMGZiZDdiMTZhYw" http://impono.test/api/containers

Getting back:

{"data":[{"id":11,"name":"Container name 10","description":"Container description 10","websites":[],"created_at":"2017-11-19T18:25:53+0000","updated_at":"2017-11-19T18:25:54+0000","has_unpublished_changes":true,"published_at":null,"permissions":["view","edit","publish","operator"]}],"total":1}%

So with this result - I can see that the user has access to one container, Container name 10

Getting a tag

curl -X "GET" --header "Authorization: Bearer NTY5OWM2OTBjYzdmOWQwMTFjZTQwZmYwZWU1Y2U5NWI1ZTU3MDU3NDI5MmIzYzc0YzY1YTUzMGZiZDdiMTZhYw" http://impono.test/api/tags/120

Deleting a tag

curl -X "DELETE" --header "Authorization: Bearer NTY5OWM2OTBjYzdmOWQwMTFjZTQwZmYwZWU1Y2U5NWI1ZTU3MDU3NDI5MmIzYzc0YzY1YTUzMGZiZDdiMTZhYw" http://impono.test/api/tags/120

Info about your user

curl -X "GET" --header "Authorization: Bearer NTY5OWM2OTBjYzdmOWQwMTFjZTQwZmYwZWU1Y2U5NWI1ZTU3MDU3NDI5MmIzYzc0YzY1YTUzMGZiZDdiMTZhYw" http://impono.test/api/users/me

Logout your user

curl -X "GET" --header "Authorization: Bearer NTY5OWM2OTBjYzdmOWQwMTFjZTQwZmYwZWU1Y2U5NWI1ZTU3MDU3NDI5MmIzYzc0YzY1YTUzMGZiZDdiMTZhYw" http://impono.test/api/users/me/logout